Well goodmorning, i must say Sunday was quite another learning experience. Around 11am, I proceeded to make my first German Chocolate Cake. Another tedious process I can assure you. Wasn't fully done making the beautiful cake until around close to 2pm. Then my mother showed me how to make a Spanish Cream Cake. Now mind you these are absolutely my 2 favorite cakes, along with her famous Pound Cake. Again if I remember the directions I will post them up here as well.
Afterwards, I chilled out for the rest of the day until around 6:30pm when I typed up a short paper for my dad and then took a shower to get dressed to go to work that evening by 8pm. I had to be there for the "Dry Run" aka the Day after Thanxgiving Mayhem. Meeting was about 2 hours long. It was informative but I know most people were expecting individual department breakouts but hey we can only do so much on such borrowed time.
I also had brought the Sweet Potato Pie that I had made for Mina and Danielle to the meeting to give to Danielle. After the meeting Danielle and I went to Applebee's right up the street and had some appetizers. We left there around 11pm and I took her home. I then proceeded to go home myself.
I woke up this morning expecting my DVR to have recorded VOLTRON for me, but alas, I don't think it shows up on Monday morning's which really sucks. oh well I have work today and don't get off till 7:30pm. Let's see how long I survive this day;) LOLOL Have a good day.