October 24, 2022
What is on the other side of fear?

February 11, 2022
Alice Windom is her name
Thursday morning this Earthly plain released my Aunt Alice so she could be reunited with family and friends that have gone on before.
She was a unique woman who lived an extraordinary life. She was known on a professional level for being a Social Worker. She received her Bachelors and Masters in Social Work.

January 31, 2022
Even in the darkest of days, it cannot always be night
Photo credit: The Van Gogh Gallery |
This weekend was tough. There isn't any way to sugar coat it. Saturday morning I said goodbye to a student. He passed away back on January 18th but his visitation and funeral were held on the 29th. Even though he was a high school student I was still use to seeing Christian every morning coming through my office because he was a VICC student which meant their buses arrived early enough that they had to be admitted through the middle school doors. You see the middle and high school buildings were all on the same campus.

January 20, 2022
The Pitfalls of dealing with Totaling Out your car.....
So my former car has the option of being totaled out. It had the option back on December 30th by the offender's car insurance. I decided that I wanted an estimate done by my insurance carrier. I have learned a very valuable lesson and should have just gone through with the Total Loss option the day it was offered. I realized that not all car insurance carriers operate the same. The offender's car insurance carrier, Geico, has been efficient and fast in regards to handling my claim. I've been so impressed with them it's honestly making me consider if I should switch to them.

January 16, 2022
Sometimes a tragedy is actually a blessing in disguise (Car shopping)
So through a few of my previous posts you can gather that I unfortunately had a car accident a few days before Christmas. So my Christmas at least with dealing with that has been a pain and shitty overall. So I had to go back into the abyss that is car shopping. I finally have found something that had pretty much everything except one thing that I was looking for in my first car.

January 7, 2022
The hustle that is college
New Year, not even gonna say new me. Just working on myself. Part of that is working on getting my Associates degree. Since I can't afford to get my Bachelor's. At least for the moment. So last semester aka Winter 2021 I re-took Microeconomics. When I tell you this class was no joke at the Professor I had wasn't exactly the nicest. I was waiting on an email after the class to do my review on him because I had some things to say...Welp it never came, so he is lucky he didn't get my scathing review.

January 1, 2022
So What's gonna happen now 2022?
First day of the new year is almost gone. I must say my New Year Eve was pretty good. I went out to Sephora at the Galleria to make an exchange and the young lady who helped me by the name of Breezy (supa fly name!) helped me in more ways than she is aware. She was cheery and helpful that we got to talking about the new year and our own car tribulations this December. She was in a car accident herself back in December 11. I told her of my accident back on the 21st. and she told me that as messed up as it was it just meant that something even better is in store. I can say for the first time since my accident I actually felt my spirits raise up somewhat.