Alright folks if you remember a previous post called Shameless Plug: JDVirgin Hair, then you recall at the time my sister was working on a website to launch for online sales. Well it finally arrived yesterday and I must say that my friend Trenton who is also in a previous post called Shameless Plus: The Computer Caretaker did a great job on the site. So if you have any friends who want top quality hair at bottom rate prices, send them over to JDVIRGIN HAIR.
May 29, 2012
May 27, 2012
Natural Beauty and Wellness: Femme Fatale: Feeling Fierce While Rocking a TWA
Excellent article I came across this evening, will help me with rockin my new do;)
Natural Beauty and Wellness: Femme Fatale: Feeling Fierce While Rocking a TWA: I notice that since having my hair cut about two months ago, people have been expecting me to wear long earrings that reach my shoulders. I ...
Natural Beauty and Wellness: Femme Fatale: Feeling Fierce While Rocking a TWA: I notice that since having my hair cut about two months ago, people have been expecting me to wear long earrings that reach my shoulders. I ...

The Big Chop
Well yesterday (5/26/12) I did the damn thang and FINALLY did the big chop to my hair. I brought my camera with me so I could take some pics. My beautician and I were talking about it and she said she was going to hot press it again but I asked if I had enough to do a chop. I thought I did after seeing my hair wet. I was sick and tired of looking at my new growth and the remaining part of my relaxer both playing tug of war on my head. She was a bit hesitant because she knows from the past whenever she used to cut my hair I would be in tears. I assured her I was ready and had been looking forward to this day for quite a while. So she grabbed her scissors and said, "No turning back". Thankfully she had another customer there so they were able to take pics of the process. After I was done, I was sad because I would no longer be going to my stylist anymore since she did not know unfortunately how to maintain natural hair. She had been doing my hair ever since I was 14 years old and she is a second mother to me. I gave her a hug and told her thank you for everything she has done and that I still will be stopping by to visit to see her.

Daisha Putman,
natural hair,
Patricia Moore,
Trader Joes,
Whole Foods
May 25, 2012
Schools OUT! (somewhat)
Well yesterday was the last day for my students. We had a talent show from 8:45a to 10:45a which showcased singers, dancers, comedians, even some gymnastics. Yet I think one of my favorite performances was when one of our special need students went up on stage and sang "Boyfriend" by Justin Beiber. I was so proud of her and so was the rest of the school that we stood up, clapping and singing along. We have so much talent in our students and each of the 16 acts showed that much potential.The end act that was by the best. We decided as a staff to do a flash mob routine to a rock song called "School's Out". The kids thought it was AWESOME and to tell the truth I had a great time in it.

May 22, 2012
Oh it's almost Summer time!!!!
Photo Credit - Craftsbury-1781
Well it's the 22nd and my students will be enjoying their summer time in approximately 2.5 days. Thursday is their last day and it is a half day. Last Friday they were given a treat of a field day with grilled hotdogs, punch, and cake.
It was a success I grilled over 200 hotdogs from 1pm to 2:30pm. Kids and staff were happy and loved the ALL BEEF hotdogs that I made. Chicken and Pork products rolled into one do not TOUCH a grill that I'm using;) I am a firm believer that something that used to have feathers and another thing that used to squeal should not be rolled up into one and called a hotdog. It's just an abomination.

May 13, 2012
Mother's Day - Every Day
momma preggers with ME!
As you might know or least you better know, this is Mother's Day. This day is observed officially on the U.S. Calendar every second Sunday in the month of May. Yesterday I brought in another item to "grace" my mom's kitchen to sit with the other endless appliances on her counter top that I seem to use more than she does. Yet she was excited and that was all that mattered.
This morning I woke up because my nose was doing it's normal twitching when something of a delicious scent hits. I then fully sit up and before leaving my room get my mother's day card together and take it downstairs to the kitchen where my mother has food going in full effect. I look at her and ask, "Why are you cooking?", she stated my dad was hungry and she preferred to cook versus our original plan of taking her out to Cracker Barrel for brunch. So I got into the trenches with her and helped out in anyway that I could. She is baking Cornish hens, making sweet potatoes, steam broccoli, roasting cauliflower, asparagus, and corn. Not to mention some brown rice is also on the menu. As usual when my mom cooks, she cooks a feast only fit for a queen.
As I was helping her out in the kitchen, The Morning show on CBS was on and a few of the anchors were talking about their mom's. How they were no longer around yet not a day passes by that they don't think about them. The said even with their mom's being gone for so long, one anchor her mom passed 14 years ago, another his mom passed over 30 years. My mom was nodding her head while cleaning the Cornish hens. She says, "Yep, I still miss my mom even after all this time, I think about her everyday", she then says, "I always wonder if there was something that we could have done to help prolong her life." I look at her while I'm cutting up some celery and nod to myself thinking as well.
I miss both my grandmas. I lost my dad's mom in 1992 and my mom's mom the day before my birthday in 1994. I look at some of my friends who still have their grandma's and I'm like, "wow".
Paternal grandparents
Maternal grandparents with one of their grandchildren
Yet also why I'm in the kitchen I can't help but think of 3 good friends who lost their mothers recently. One of my best friends lost her mom this past November, a former coworker lost her mom in December, and then another former coworker lost her mom this past March. I can't even begin to think how this day is affecting them. I wonder if they are thinking about the good times they had with them. Only thing I could think is that even though they might not be here anymore physically I hope they know that their mother's spirit will be them until they are reunited.
As I'm in my room right now typing up this blog post I can't wonder but think EVERYDAY should be Mother's Day. I'm not a mom, would like to be one eventually (I think), but I can't help but think and wonder in amazement how some of my friends and family members have been able to juggle so much responsibility and still come out with a smile on their faces that let you know they wouldn't trade a day of it for anything in the world. Women are amazing. Women carry life, bring it forth, and nurture from the day the child is born (with or without help) until the last breath they carry hoping to instill their values in their kids to be passed on to future generations.
I look at my own mother and think about her childhood living on a farm and how she went against the grain and received her bachelors in education in Mississippi in her twenties. She didn't receive her Masters from Fontbonne University until my sister and I were teenagers. She always put her family first even if it meant she had to go without or wait until the right time. For that I can't say thank you enough. My mother is a soldier, having beaten breast cancer back in 2005 and faced with the possibility for the first time that I my mom could possibly die. You haven't been through a possible nervous breakdown until you have had that reality shoved right in your face. She braved that battle by herself along with close friends and family members and came out on top. She has continued to be cancer free ever since.
Is my mother perfect? Hell no, but then I dare anyone to tell me that they haven't had arguments or disagreements. It's part of life. Would I trade her in for anything? Not even if you gave me the keys to Fort Knox. Is my mom the baddest mamma jamma in the world to me? Most definitely. She is by far one of the best lady dressers I have come across and I assure I have seen few. You have not seen a "strut" unless you have seen my mom in some heels. My sis and I have her to thank for those crazy sky high heels we wear. The way she carries herself, nothing short of royalty. Yet she has a heart full of gold and is always willing to help out.
If I ever have kids and I'm able to instill at least 1/2 of what my mother has taught me, I would say I'm off to a damn good start. Miss you Grandma Windom and Grandma Thomas.
Love you mama.

May 7, 2012
Shameless Plug: Fruit My Cube
Have you ever wanted fresh fruits or veggies delivered to your job instead of going to the store after work?
fruit classic cube
veggie crate
Well this company, FruitMyCube does just that. At my job, we were introduced to this company last year. At first they did fruit boxes, but now they also sell veggie crates. Also this produce comes from the Belleville Market, in Belleville, Illinois. They have been a staple in their community for over 30 years. I have yet to see any bad/spoiled fruits or veggies come through which serves as a testament to the high quality of work their workers perform in regards to making sure every cube that leaves their facility has nothing but the best fruit or veggies. If you are interested in having them deliver to your work place go to FruitMyCube. Don't worry if your company is not on the list in the Greater Saint Louis or Metro East area then you can email them and request to be added. Right now only those areas are being served. Hopefully more will be added to the list as they expand their business.
If your business is not located in the Greater Saint Louis or Metro East area, fear not you can always show your support for local Farmer Markets across the area by visiting this website FarmersMarket.
Here are a few pics of a veggie crate that came to our office today, unfortunately the lower pic doesn't do the box that must justice. There were plenty more veggies at the bottom of the crate after further exploration! Like....4 ears of corn, 3 white potatoes, 3 white onions, a clove of garlic, and some other goodies!

May 6, 2012
Kansas City - what a weekend
This past Friday my mom, sis, and myself went to Kansas City to see one of my niece's graduate from UMKC (University of Missouri - Kansas City). She received her Bachelor's in Art and Sciences and plans on going to Dentistry School at Howard University in D.C. Afterwards we along with others who came for the ceremony went to the Cheesecake Factory in the Country Club Plaza. The wait was an hour and thirty minutes so we killed some time by going next door to the HUGE Forever 21 store which has two levels. We made it back in time for dinner and afterwards we dropped off my older sister back to my niece's dorm and then the rest of us went back to the hotel to crash for the night.
If you have not been to THIS part of Kansas City, get yourself here whenever you can. The Country Club Plaza will blow your mind away with 15 blocks of shopping and restaurants. My first trip here was last year to visit my niece and I tell ya I couldn't wait to get back. But this time I came prepared and brought my camera so I could take pictures of the architecture and some of the shops. So the next morning (5/5/12) I leave the hotel early to go down to the plaza to take pics before the shops open. My mom and sis followed shortly afterwards. We didn't meet up until around 1:30pm so I had some time to just walk around by myself and enjoy the stores.
So after all that fun we make our way back to Saint Louis. We make a quick pit stop through the Lake of Saint Louis and checkout their mall called The Meadows at Lake Saint Louis. I tell ya that is a pretty mall from what I could see but since we only spent less than 30 minutes in the place due to being so late, we vowed to come back in the near future. So then we make our way back onto Highway 40 and stop at ANOTHER shopping center, don't recall the name of that one but it was alright.
Eventually we make it home around 10:20pm and then I have to jet within 20 minutes to make it over to a girlfriend's house to watch the Mayweather and Cotto fight. I get there by the 5th round and of course Mayweather wins but Cotto did put in a good showing. I leave her place around 1am and I get home and I'm so zonked out I THINK I woke up around 10am. Oh well it's Sunday, let's see what happens:)

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