
May 27, 2012

The Big Chop

Well yesterday (5/26/12) I did the damn thang and FINALLY did the big chop to my hair. I brought my camera with me so I could take some pics. My beautician and I were talking about it and she said she was going to hot press it again but I asked if I had enough to do a chop. I thought I did after seeing my hair wet. I was sick and tired of looking at my new growth and the remaining part of my relaxer both playing tug of war on my head. She was a bit hesitant because she knows from the past whenever she used to cut my hair I would be in tears. I assured her I was ready and had been looking forward to this day for quite a while. So she grabbed her scissors and said, "No turning back". Thankfully she had another customer there so they were able to take pics of the process. After I was done, I was sad because I would no longer be going to my stylist anymore since she did not know unfortunately how to maintain natural hair. She had been doing my hair ever since I was 14 years old and she is a second mother to me. I gave her a hug and told her thank you for everything she has done and that I still will be stopping by to visit to see her.

Afterwards I went to the West County Mall and bought some earrings at Forever 21 and put them on. lol. I made my way to the Sephora store and talked with a good friend of mine who is a makeup artist there, Patricia Moore.  Her natural hair is gorgeous! I remember this one style she had with 4 different colors going on. It was a work of art. The name of her stylist is Daisha Putman and she works downtown. So I plan on giving her call and setting up an appointment. I also asked for her recommendations on hair products.

I swear reading all the books I have read on natural hair still does not prepare you for the shock you go through once you go through a big chop. At first I was nervous thinking my head was too big, within a few hours I was like "phuck it, It's my head and I'm going to own it." Main reason I went through with the chop was so I could regrow my hair back out without relaxers. I've had my hair straightened one way or the other since I was a small child. I wanted to actually see what my hair looked like coming out of my scalp without it being altered. Another reason was that all my life I used to hide behind my hair. Meaning I would use it as a curtain to hide my face. I'm done hiding. So I decided I needed get rid of the curtain.

After speaking with Patricia I went to Trader Joes and Whole Foods and looked at various shampoos and conditioners. There were so many options at Whole Foods I started walking backwards from the section. lolol. I decided on something from Trader Joes and also bought some Jojoba oil. I will try it out until I'm able to see Dacia.

After that I headed to my sis's apartment where I am staying for the weekend dog-sitting. My mom called and we made small talk. I informed her that I cut my hair and her response was subdued. lol So I told her I would be over so she could see it. It was funny as my beautician was cutting my hair, images of my mom would pop up and I was like "oh boy". It was kind of funny when I posted a pic of myself on Facebook with the new do, a few comments were, "Your momma is gonna kill ya." hahaha I was like oh well, what is she gonna say, put it back?

So I get home and I show it to her. I was a little bit nervous but she just said, "Huh, doesn't look as bad as i thought it would be." So in a round about way she was able to give me somewhat of a compliment out of somewhat could be called criticism. Only that could come from my mother. So after a few hours I came back out to my sis's place after stopping by the Galleria and I'm relaxing and reflecting on the day with my sister's psychotic dog, Cassie. Who is so damn hyper, it amazes me that he has yet to be medicated.

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