Alright people I'm back from Florida, with a smile on my face, a bit of a tan, and a twinkle in my eye. This morning, I woke up around 7am and slowly sat up in the room I was staying in. I had already packed my clothes the previous night and only had out the items I would be wearing on the plane.
I took a shower and was ready. Kai was up and James was also getting ready for work. I got Aislyn ready and we were out of the door. We dropped James off at work and I said my goodbyes to him and then we took Aislyn to her baby-sitter.
Kai and I went to this Beauty shop, ULTIMA a place that is almost the equivilent of SEPHORA which is nation wide. Yet this place had damn near all the high end hair products, some makeup lines (not as good as SEPHORA), and a full salon service. Pretty damn nice I must say. Then we made are way to ROSS (a different version of TJMAXX and MARSHALL). Then we made are way to LINEN'S and THINGS and checked on some items there.
My final stop was at the MALL OF MILLENIA. A high end mall that pretty much would put the SAINT LOUIS GALLERIA, PLAZA FRONTNAC, and WEST COUNTY MALL to SHAME. Pretty much just make them look like NorthWest Plaza. I went to a few shops and did some last minute shopping but I did make one splurge purchase, at the SUNGLASS HUT I bought a pair of VERSACE wrap around sunglasses. Please don't ask how much:)
After going through the mall we notice that a strong storm has hit and Kai gets me to the airport with about an hour to spare. I get my bags checked in and we give each other a hug goodbye. I watched her pull off and then made my way through the hustle and bustle of the airport crowd. My flight left on time despite the weather and I also was on a FULL FLIGHT. Had a lil boy sitting by me with his father who was holding a lil baby boy. Ask me if I got any peace and quiet?
Finally touched down in Saint Louis after 2 hours in the air, and surviving on complimentary peanuts, Air Crips, 2 cups of Sprite, a naughty book, and my PSP. I texted my friends that I had gotten back in town about 6:20pm and my mom picked me up. I'm back at the house now just listening to an old Whitney Houston tune called STEP BY STEP. And that's exactly what I plan on doing.
Again I want to thank my best friends aka my sisters for sending me on this wonderful trip and to Kai, James, and Aislyn, thank you for being such wonderful friends and hosts but most importantly for being such wonderful family. I needed some time to rejuvenate myself and I felt that being there really helped. Thank you all so much;)
July 31, 2007
July 30, 2007
My last full day in florida
Well all good things must come to an end and unfortunately my vacation in Florida is one of them. I woke up this morning about 7am and just sat up in my bed reflecting on my time here with Kai and her family. I've had nothing but a wonderful time. Kai and James left early this morning to run some errands and so I kept watch over Aislyn. I checked my MYSPACE account this morning and saw I had some new blog comments to a past blog that I wrote called CLOSURE (5/24/07).
Pretty much it was a response I like to call the L-L-L response. LATE-(read the post on time so you keep up to date), LAME-ASS-(full of sorry ass excuses), LOSER-(Accomplished a whole lot of NOTHING) response to the issue of the post. I wrote my respone, he wrote his response, and then I wrote my third response on the subject. In honesty I feel sorry for him he walks around as though the joke is always on somebody else when he fails to see that he's the sorry-ass punchline. Sometimes I wonder how in the world did I ever think he was special. Quite simply I pity him. The only other person I pity far more is his daughter. I pray she never meets a man the way her father treats people or more to the point the way his behavior was towards me. Yet having met his family, I know she'll be alright.
Beyond that mildly annoying situation. Aislyn slept till 10:30am but when she got up she was ready to roll! We kicked it until 1pm when her momma came in and we all just chilled out around the house until it was time to pick up daddy and we left the house around 5:15pm. We picked up James by 6pm and then went to Best Buy. We chilled out there for 2 hours and then went to a SuperWALMART. These things are HUGE!!!! We decided on Fried Chicken and french fries for the evening. So now I'm here just contemplating my last hours before my flight tomorrow evening. This place has been a blast.;)
UPDATE: About over an hour ago 10:00pm, Kai gave me a glass of wine and we went into the garage and had good talk. Let me refresh was a great talk. We had one while in the car today and this one tonight we talked some more. I shed some seriously big tears and I felt better about some of the things we talked about. Afterwards we ate James's famous fried chicken and french fries. Right now we are watching a pre-recorded session of BIG BROTHER 8. So again I say goodnight and this time tomorrow I will be back in the good ole LOU;) ciou peeps. I holla
ANOTHER UPDATE: 11:55pm, On the phone with an ole elementary classmate, Amanda, she's in the hospital keeping herself stable because of some issues with her baby. She is in good spirits and her baby when she is born will be named Ava Lily;) I wish her and her family all the best;)
Pretty much it was a response I like to call the L-L-L response. LATE-(read the post on time so you keep up to date), LAME-ASS-(full of sorry ass excuses), LOSER-(Accomplished a whole lot of NOTHING) response to the issue of the post. I wrote my respone, he wrote his response, and then I wrote my third response on the subject. In honesty I feel sorry for him he walks around as though the joke is always on somebody else when he fails to see that he's the sorry-ass punchline. Sometimes I wonder how in the world did I ever think he was special. Quite simply I pity him. The only other person I pity far more is his daughter. I pray she never meets a man the way her father treats people or more to the point the way his behavior was towards me. Yet having met his family, I know she'll be alright.
Beyond that mildly annoying situation. Aislyn slept till 10:30am but when she got up she was ready to roll! We kicked it until 1pm when her momma came in and we all just chilled out around the house until it was time to pick up daddy and we left the house around 5:15pm. We picked up James by 6pm and then went to Best Buy. We chilled out there for 2 hours and then went to a SuperWALMART. These things are HUGE!!!! We decided on Fried Chicken and french fries for the evening. So now I'm here just contemplating my last hours before my flight tomorrow evening. This place has been a blast.;)
UPDATE: About over an hour ago 10:00pm, Kai gave me a glass of wine and we went into the garage and had good talk. Let me refresh was a great talk. We had one while in the car today and this one tonight we talked some more. I shed some seriously big tears and I felt better about some of the things we talked about. Afterwards we ate James's famous fried chicken and french fries. Right now we are watching a pre-recorded session of BIG BROTHER 8. So again I say goodnight and this time tomorrow I will be back in the good ole LOU;) ciou peeps. I holla
ANOTHER UPDATE: 11:55pm, On the phone with an ole elementary classmate, Amanda, she's in the hospital keeping herself stable because of some issues with her baby. She is in good spirits and her baby when she is born will be named Ava Lily;) I wish her and her family all the best;)

July 29, 2007
Still having a great vacation
Well you guys my vacation is slowly coming to an end but you know what? It has been absolutely fantastic. These past couple of days I've been able to go to different malls, go to a Martini club called the Blue Martini and the place was just packed with people. Had a great evening there talking with James, Kai and a few of their friends up until the point when we were about to leave and some asshole security guy tries to muscle Kai to giving our waitress a tip. Sad thing is she probably would have gotten one had the guy not been an ASSHOLE!!!! This of course happened Friday night. Oh and ya girl got seriously lit that night too. I had 2 sex on the beaches martinis and they were GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday we hit up a mall after going to the movie theater and not finding anything that interested us. I was able to find a TRADE SECRET and replenish my hair maintance products. We also hit up 2 different Best Buys in the area, they were pretty nice. Of course there has been rain on and off since I got here and I must say even that is better down here than in Saint Louis.
Today we went to Daytona Beach and for the first time I was able to see the ocean and actually put my feet in the sand. It was phucking amazing. Kai took some pictures of me as I was giggling like a lil nut. I had a wonderful time just running in the water raising my gouchos up to my thighs and seeing how far I could go without getting my pants wet. yea that was too far. I wish I could have stayed there forever not to mention there was this HEFTY chick in a Bikini. I thought damn if she can rock it why can't I? I'll tell you why, because I have god given sense that's the hell why. Big people and spandex don't mix unless it is interwoven into a pair of jeans.
After the frolicking in the beach we head on over to a lil shopping mart area and decide to have lunch at a place called get this...........Bubba Gump Shrimp Shack. Yes it is connected to Bubba Gump the movie and I must say it was great atmosphere, staff, and I even had an alcoholic Lemonade, it was great. I was also able to see the outer area of the Daytona NASCARA racing speed track. Man I would not be able to suck up everything in one day.
I'm just grateful I have at least 1 more day to enjoy myself. Also my god-daughter had a mini vacaction herself with some friends of Kai's from this past Friday and she came back this evening and I missed her so much. I took some more pictures of her and showed her some more gifts that I bought her. I took some lil home made video's to remember her by. The girl is simply amazing.
At first I didn't know what to get her but once I found out that she liked Dora the Explorer that has been my main focus for buying her gifts. I want to make sure she enjoys everything. Not to mention I definitely wanted to make sure that I got gifts for Kai and James as well. They have been wonderful hosts but more importantly they have been wonderful family;)
Also with this time to be down here I have felt such a weight off of my shoulders because I have been able to just sit back and chill and just wonder about me for once. I felt that I've been able to call my family back home and have great conversations and I've been able to say "I love you" for the first time in such a long time. Do you realize I don't even REMEMBER the last time I've said that anyone in my family. Heck even my sis called me asking for advice on purchasing a certain T.V. and I gave her my advise and even offered to help her pick out her T.V. After I hung up I just had a big smile on my face. I was like wow, I can have a positive relationship with family. I just a need a breather from time to time.
Which has me really wondering about trying to move down here. This would be a perfect place for me to start over and be fresh. St. Louis is a cool city but I feel it is too confining and just not enough. Not to mention it holds some memories that I rather not have to think about from time to time randomly. Not to say I don't appreaciate the good ones. I just feel it's time for me to move on. Yet I want to make sure that if I do it has to be on terms that I'm steady enough and comfortable to do. For me school would be a huge factor. I would like finish my degree before moving anywhere. I feel that if I didn't finish here there is is a strong chance I wouldn't persue it anymore.
I know working retail is not the future I want for the rest of my life. There is alot that I would want to do. Not to mention the houses down here just simply devine. Some of the structures are just breathtaking and the key thing I've heard from Kai is location if you want a deal on a house. Who knows hopefully in the future, I might be able to call their family neighbors. lolol;) Not to mention there are some seriously hot guys just walking around this place. HOT HOT HOT
Oh well it's getting late and I'm about to turn in for some shut eye. This evening I made them bake chicken, James made some pasta, and Kai provided a brownie treat. What can I say????????// YUM YUM YUM
Yesterday we hit up a mall after going to the movie theater and not finding anything that interested us. I was able to find a TRADE SECRET and replenish my hair maintance products. We also hit up 2 different Best Buys in the area, they were pretty nice. Of course there has been rain on and off since I got here and I must say even that is better down here than in Saint Louis.
Today we went to Daytona Beach and for the first time I was able to see the ocean and actually put my feet in the sand. It was phucking amazing. Kai took some pictures of me as I was giggling like a lil nut. I had a wonderful time just running in the water raising my gouchos up to my thighs and seeing how far I could go without getting my pants wet. yea that was too far. I wish I could have stayed there forever not to mention there was this HEFTY chick in a Bikini. I thought damn if she can rock it why can't I? I'll tell you why, because I have god given sense that's the hell why. Big people and spandex don't mix unless it is interwoven into a pair of jeans.
After the frolicking in the beach we head on over to a lil shopping mart area and decide to have lunch at a place called get this...........Bubba Gump Shrimp Shack. Yes it is connected to Bubba Gump the movie and I must say it was great atmosphere, staff, and I even had an alcoholic Lemonade, it was great. I was also able to see the outer area of the Daytona NASCARA racing speed track. Man I would not be able to suck up everything in one day.
I'm just grateful I have at least 1 more day to enjoy myself. Also my god-daughter had a mini vacaction herself with some friends of Kai's from this past Friday and she came back this evening and I missed her so much. I took some more pictures of her and showed her some more gifts that I bought her. I took some lil home made video's to remember her by. The girl is simply amazing.
At first I didn't know what to get her but once I found out that she liked Dora the Explorer that has been my main focus for buying her gifts. I want to make sure she enjoys everything. Not to mention I definitely wanted to make sure that I got gifts for Kai and James as well. They have been wonderful hosts but more importantly they have been wonderful family;)
Also with this time to be down here I have felt such a weight off of my shoulders because I have been able to just sit back and chill and just wonder about me for once. I felt that I've been able to call my family back home and have great conversations and I've been able to say "I love you" for the first time in such a long time. Do you realize I don't even REMEMBER the last time I've said that anyone in my family. Heck even my sis called me asking for advice on purchasing a certain T.V. and I gave her my advise and even offered to help her pick out her T.V. After I hung up I just had a big smile on my face. I was like wow, I can have a positive relationship with family. I just a need a breather from time to time.
Which has me really wondering about trying to move down here. This would be a perfect place for me to start over and be fresh. St. Louis is a cool city but I feel it is too confining and just not enough. Not to mention it holds some memories that I rather not have to think about from time to time randomly. Not to say I don't appreaciate the good ones. I just feel it's time for me to move on. Yet I want to make sure that if I do it has to be on terms that I'm steady enough and comfortable to do. For me school would be a huge factor. I would like finish my degree before moving anywhere. I feel that if I didn't finish here there is is a strong chance I wouldn't persue it anymore.
I know working retail is not the future I want for the rest of my life. There is alot that I would want to do. Not to mention the houses down here just simply devine. Some of the structures are just breathtaking and the key thing I've heard from Kai is location if you want a deal on a house. Who knows hopefully in the future, I might be able to call their family neighbors. lolol;) Not to mention there are some seriously hot guys just walking around this place. HOT HOT HOT
Oh well it's getting late and I'm about to turn in for some shut eye. This evening I made them bake chicken, James made some pasta, and Kai provided a brownie treat. What can I say????????// YUM YUM YUM

July 27, 2007
Whoa Orlando is amazing!!!
Okay its official.....This is a great place to live. Yesterday before Kai came back home from James off, she picked up a friend of her's whose birthday happen to be July 26. So I was able to meet her and she was a really cool and down to earth person. We were all geared up to go to the beach, but not before we were treated to a fashion show by miss diva Aislyn showcasing her swimming suits and I must say she received perftect finger snaps on all of them. So after miss thang decided on a pink swimming we get ready to get into the car when Kai's friend unfortunately has a mishap with the garage door with one of her hands.
She assure Kai that she's okay but after we get in the car and only get a few blocks away her friend informs her that she doesn't feel too good and needs some cool air so we return immediately back to the house and we order some pizza and chicken wings. So after Aislyn has a few pizza she is pretty much ready for her nap and while she is in dreamland. The ladies start talking about men, sex, relationships, etc. etc. etc. and I must say the talk was great!
So about 6pm or so we head on out and go to one of the malls. We drop off Aislyn to her dad who works close in the area and we make are way to Macy's to try to find Kai's friend a pretty outfit to wear for the next day. I of course being the explorer that I am happen to go around and check the place out. We also stopped at some other stores but while they happen to be in Dillards I went to Bath and Body Works to go buy Kai some Brown Sugar and Fig Bath products since she liked the scent that I was wearing that morning.
It was so funny because she called me asking me where I was and the connection was bad on our cellphones so I kept telling her I would meet her back at Macy's after telling her that I was at Bath and Body works but she couldn't make it out. She eventually did understand me and came through as I was coming out. I had a big ole smile on my face as I gave her the bag and she just loved the stuff.
So soon afterwards since the mall was closing we go back through Macy's to get to Kai's car and make our way to dropping off Kai's friend. Let me tell you something. Orlando is simply amazing, have I said that already? We drove highways and major streetways with shops lined up on both sides and my head was litereally out of the window just in awe. After we dropped Kai's friend off we made our way to a near bye McDonald's because I had to go to the restroom. Well the McDonalds that we stopped by was so simply a cultral shock. It was done in African Motifs from the outside of the building all the way to the inside, hell the restroom had AFrican Masks and different mirrors and for a split second I was contemplating how I would be able to get one of the mirrors out without them seeing me.
So after I get back to the car Kai asks if I want to drive and I said sure, so she guided out of the area and showed me more of Orlando at night and I must say it was simply beautiful. We went through what I would call a bit of a tourist strip for people out of town, it remind me of a piece of Vegas with all the lil shops all crammed on both sides of the street with attractions left and right, and Kai says it never shuts down in that area as well. We even drove by the Ripley's Believe or Not!!! building. Not to mention a building that was completely UPSIDE!!! Yes the foundition of the building was in the air with upside trees, light posts, the whole works. We even stopped by a Wendy's and I was able to grab one of their burgers. Especially since they no longer exist in St. Louis.
So after that we get on the highway and stay on there which seems like forever and we finally make to a Wal-mart near Kai's house. We were acting look such idiots and having such a great time. All in a big ass Walmart. I was raving about where in the hell were the tampons and pads. She couldn't believe me when I yelled it out. While I was there I picked up some goodies for Aislyn as well as some other items as well. We finally get home about 1:15am and we put the groceries away and went to bed. James was still up watching some cartoons and we said good night.
You talking about a sista knocked out but for some reason I swear I thought someone came in my room and turned off a light and the tv. I don't know maybe I was in a deep sleep. But as long as I wake up still in Florida, I'll be alright;)
She assure Kai that she's okay but after we get in the car and only get a few blocks away her friend informs her that she doesn't feel too good and needs some cool air so we return immediately back to the house and we order some pizza and chicken wings. So after Aislyn has a few pizza she is pretty much ready for her nap and while she is in dreamland. The ladies start talking about men, sex, relationships, etc. etc. etc. and I must say the talk was great!
So about 6pm or so we head on out and go to one of the malls. We drop off Aislyn to her dad who works close in the area and we make are way to Macy's to try to find Kai's friend a pretty outfit to wear for the next day. I of course being the explorer that I am happen to go around and check the place out. We also stopped at some other stores but while they happen to be in Dillards I went to Bath and Body Works to go buy Kai some Brown Sugar and Fig Bath products since she liked the scent that I was wearing that morning.
It was so funny because she called me asking me where I was and the connection was bad on our cellphones so I kept telling her I would meet her back at Macy's after telling her that I was at Bath and Body works but she couldn't make it out. She eventually did understand me and came through as I was coming out. I had a big ole smile on my face as I gave her the bag and she just loved the stuff.
So soon afterwards since the mall was closing we go back through Macy's to get to Kai's car and make our way to dropping off Kai's friend. Let me tell you something. Orlando is simply amazing, have I said that already? We drove highways and major streetways with shops lined up on both sides and my head was litereally out of the window just in awe. After we dropped Kai's friend off we made our way to a near bye McDonald's because I had to go to the restroom. Well the McDonalds that we stopped by was so simply a cultral shock. It was done in African Motifs from the outside of the building all the way to the inside, hell the restroom had AFrican Masks and different mirrors and for a split second I was contemplating how I would be able to get one of the mirrors out without them seeing me.
So after I get back to the car Kai asks if I want to drive and I said sure, so she guided out of the area and showed me more of Orlando at night and I must say it was simply beautiful. We went through what I would call a bit of a tourist strip for people out of town, it remind me of a piece of Vegas with all the lil shops all crammed on both sides of the street with attractions left and right, and Kai says it never shuts down in that area as well. We even drove by the Ripley's Believe or Not!!! building. Not to mention a building that was completely UPSIDE!!! Yes the foundition of the building was in the air with upside trees, light posts, the whole works. We even stopped by a Wendy's and I was able to grab one of their burgers. Especially since they no longer exist in St. Louis.
So after that we get on the highway and stay on there which seems like forever and we finally make to a Wal-mart near Kai's house. We were acting look such idiots and having such a great time. All in a big ass Walmart. I was raving about where in the hell were the tampons and pads. She couldn't believe me when I yelled it out. While I was there I picked up some goodies for Aislyn as well as some other items as well. We finally get home about 1:15am and we put the groceries away and went to bed. James was still up watching some cartoons and we said good night.
You talking about a sista knocked out but for some reason I swear I thought someone came in my room and turned off a light and the tv. I don't know maybe I was in a deep sleep. But as long as I wake up still in Florida, I'll be alright;)

July 26, 2007
First full day of Florida
Yesterday we chilled out at the house and had FRIED FISH and FRENCH FRIES for dinner. DELICIOUS!!!! Later on that evening after James came home from work, Kai, James, and myself played the game GAUNTLET up until close to 2am this morning. So I'm really shocked that I woke up THIS MORNING!!!
This morning I woke up from one great dream. It was perfect because I was still in florida!!! I of course woke up around 7am because my internal clock won't let me do otherwise unless I have a hangover and that's just maybe 40% possibility. My god-baby woke up around 20 minutes later and she came over to my room to watch some cartoons. After a while she stated she was hungry so I took her downstairs and fixed her a bowl of cereal.
Kai and James came down around 8:30am and Kai is taking James to work so we can kick it and go to the malls and check out some places. So me and miss thang are just kickin it around the house. I holla;)
This morning I woke up from one great dream. It was perfect because I was still in florida!!! I of course woke up around 7am because my internal clock won't let me do otherwise unless I have a hangover and that's just maybe 40% possibility. My god-baby woke up around 20 minutes later and she came over to my room to watch some cartoons. After a while she stated she was hungry so I took her downstairs and fixed her a bowl of cereal.
Kai and James came down around 8:30am and Kai is taking James to work so we can kick it and go to the malls and check out some places. So me and miss thang are just kickin it around the house. I holla;)

July 25, 2007
Finally in Florida
Well it's offical ya girl is finally in Florida and I must say I'm simply loving it. Yesterday I left my house after some last checking preping on my luggage by mom (bless her) she did some re-arranging of my luggage so I wouldn't incur a surcharge on luggage if it was heavier than the alloted weight. I get to the East Terminal at Lambert Airport around 6pm and checkin. I go to gate E6 at the Southwest Airlines area and just chillout listening to my mp3 player. 2 flights had already gone by at the gate already and finally by 8:30pm we were able to board our plane. Originally it was scheduled to depart by 8:20pm but there was a delay and we didn't get off the runway until 8:50pm.
The plane was a smaller commerical airline and I had a row all by myself. They dimmed the lights so I pulled out my PSP and played BAND OF BROTHERS for a little while. While I was drinking my Sprite and eating my honey roasted peanuts and also eating my Air Crisps. I kept thinking to myself I can't wait to see Kai and the family. So as I'm up in the air I'm looking out my side window and think to myself I'm so blessed to have friends who care and love me enough to send me on a vacation so I can just kick back and relax.
Fastforward to about midnight. Plane touches down and I forgot how HUGE the Orlando Airport (MCO) is. I got off the plane thinking Kai might be out there, yet I don't see anyone. Then I follow the rest of the passengers to some shuttles that you have to take to get to the main part of the Airport. I get to baggage claim and find my bags and go to a bench.
My phone didn't recognize the Time Zone change so my damn phone is still saying 11:03pm, so I'm thinking, OH CRAP, I bet Kai is still at home and not going to be on her way for at least 15 more minutes. Yet as soon as I turn around I see her come through the crowd. I was just so happy and jumped up and down. We started tearing up and gave each other a huge ass hug.
She took some of my luggage and warned me that she might have forgotten where she parked. I didn't care because I knew we had at least 7 days to find it in the parking lot. After we find her car on the first try. We started to leave the airport but got mixed up and eventually we were on our way after 15 minutes but I just thought it's okay I'm just on a really cool road trip.
We stop by a Walmart Superstore and for those who have never seen such a store. Think of it as a Walmart and a Schnucks, or even your friendly Dieberg or Shop N' Save combined into one huge MEGA STORE. The place is HUGE. Now I understand why Schnucks and the other 2 don't want Walmrt Superstores in the Saint Louis area.
So after going there for some food and other items we head on to her house which is simply beautiful. I was in awe when I arrived here last night and I'm still in awe now. When we got in last night James, her husband, was playing one of my favorite games, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. YEAH!!! We chilled out drank some wine and ate some potatoe chips. Hell Kai and I didn't go to bed until 5am this morning.
I woke up I think around 9 or 10am and went over to Aislyn's room and there she was with her momma. She was smiling but a bit shy at first and now we straight kicking it TOUGH!!!! We've been having fun all day long and I'm just having a blast. Kai cooked a mean breakfast and I had to put a dent in my plate;)
So right now, James is at work, Aislyn is taking her afternoon nap and Kai and I are about to go play LORD OF THE RINGS on XBOX. I'm having a great time and i can't wait to see what the week brings. Ta-Ta. you WISH you could be here;)
The plane was a smaller commerical airline and I had a row all by myself. They dimmed the lights so I pulled out my PSP and played BAND OF BROTHERS for a little while. While I was drinking my Sprite and eating my honey roasted peanuts and also eating my Air Crisps. I kept thinking to myself I can't wait to see Kai and the family. So as I'm up in the air I'm looking out my side window and think to myself I'm so blessed to have friends who care and love me enough to send me on a vacation so I can just kick back and relax.
Fastforward to about midnight. Plane touches down and I forgot how HUGE the Orlando Airport (MCO) is. I got off the plane thinking Kai might be out there, yet I don't see anyone. Then I follow the rest of the passengers to some shuttles that you have to take to get to the main part of the Airport. I get to baggage claim and find my bags and go to a bench.
My phone didn't recognize the Time Zone change so my damn phone is still saying 11:03pm, so I'm thinking, OH CRAP, I bet Kai is still at home and not going to be on her way for at least 15 more minutes. Yet as soon as I turn around I see her come through the crowd. I was just so happy and jumped up and down. We started tearing up and gave each other a huge ass hug.
She took some of my luggage and warned me that she might have forgotten where she parked. I didn't care because I knew we had at least 7 days to find it in the parking lot. After we find her car on the first try. We started to leave the airport but got mixed up and eventually we were on our way after 15 minutes but I just thought it's okay I'm just on a really cool road trip.
We stop by a Walmart Superstore and for those who have never seen such a store. Think of it as a Walmart and a Schnucks, or even your friendly Dieberg or Shop N' Save combined into one huge MEGA STORE. The place is HUGE. Now I understand why Schnucks and the other 2 don't want Walmrt Superstores in the Saint Louis area.
So after going there for some food and other items we head on to her house which is simply beautiful. I was in awe when I arrived here last night and I'm still in awe now. When we got in last night James, her husband, was playing one of my favorite games, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. YEAH!!! We chilled out drank some wine and ate some potatoe chips. Hell Kai and I didn't go to bed until 5am this morning.
I woke up I think around 9 or 10am and went over to Aislyn's room and there she was with her momma. She was smiling but a bit shy at first and now we straight kicking it TOUGH!!!! We've been having fun all day long and I'm just having a blast. Kai cooked a mean breakfast and I had to put a dent in my plate;)
So right now, James is at work, Aislyn is taking her afternoon nap and Kai and I are about to go play LORD OF THE RINGS on XBOX. I'm having a great time and i can't wait to see what the week brings. Ta-Ta. you WISH you could be here;)

July 23, 2007
Got a new Attitude;)
Ok, as you all will recall I was suppose to go with Danielle to a club called ATTITUDES off of Manchester and Vandevetter (forgive on spelling.). It was a gay club and we barely made it in the door by 11pm to avoid paying a cover charge. We get in the bar area and we take a table and just chill out. At first there werent that many people probably about 20. Then they opened up the dancefloor area which was in another area of the club.
Once that opened up Danielle and I moved to one of the tables in the club area and just chilled out. Within probably an hour I would say the place was starting to get pack quick. So I would say the crowd went from 20 to at least almost 200 minimun QUICK!!! People from all walks of life were in that club and having a ball. The music was just banging and you talking about people dancing they ass OFF!!!
Danielle and I were just chillin and head nodding to the music. The activity that was going on there was nothing but lively. Men on men and women on women getting they grove on and I when I say they were bumping and grinding, I mean they were bumping and grinding. Some of the stuff I saw with this cage on the stage just left my mouth dropped to the ground. It was straight madness.
Hell I even ended up buying Danielle and myself drinks I wasn't even tired but damn we had to leave about 2:15am because we both had work in the morning. I honestly have to say it was one of the best experiences I ever had. Normally when I go to club people are boring because they want to stay on the walls and check each other out and look at each other like they will beat your ass if you look at them longer than the 5 SECOND RULE. Yet at this place everyone knew each other, black, white, asian, latino, it didn't matter everyone was there to have a good time.
We might hit up another club once I get back from Florida on the following Saturday once I come back. Probably will hit up Novacks. HAHAHAHA
Also yesterday I had work and afterwards I went bowling with some friends and we had a phucking BLAST!!!!!!!!!!! The atmosphere was great we were the only ones in the bowling place besides one person and my boy put on the jukebox one of my favorite songs, a real blast from the plase, GUNS N ROSES - WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE. Of course my silly ass starting head banging and just kicked back. We didn't leave the place until 11:35pm and man it was GOOD TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yahooooooooooooo
Once that opened up Danielle and I moved to one of the tables in the club area and just chilled out. Within probably an hour I would say the place was starting to get pack quick. So I would say the crowd went from 20 to at least almost 200 minimun QUICK!!! People from all walks of life were in that club and having a ball. The music was just banging and you talking about people dancing they ass OFF!!!
Danielle and I were just chillin and head nodding to the music. The activity that was going on there was nothing but lively. Men on men and women on women getting they grove on and I when I say they were bumping and grinding, I mean they were bumping and grinding. Some of the stuff I saw with this cage on the stage just left my mouth dropped to the ground. It was straight madness.
Hell I even ended up buying Danielle and myself drinks I wasn't even tired but damn we had to leave about 2:15am because we both had work in the morning. I honestly have to say it was one of the best experiences I ever had. Normally when I go to club people are boring because they want to stay on the walls and check each other out and look at each other like they will beat your ass if you look at them longer than the 5 SECOND RULE. Yet at this place everyone knew each other, black, white, asian, latino, it didn't matter everyone was there to have a good time.
We might hit up another club once I get back from Florida on the following Saturday once I come back. Probably will hit up Novacks. HAHAHAHA
Also yesterday I had work and afterwards I went bowling with some friends and we had a phucking BLAST!!!!!!!!!!! The atmosphere was great we were the only ones in the bowling place besides one person and my boy put on the jukebox one of my favorite songs, a real blast from the plase, GUNS N ROSES - WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE. Of course my silly ass starting head banging and just kicked back. We didn't leave the place until 11:35pm and man it was GOOD TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yahooooooooooooo

July 21, 2007
Man what a few couple of days!!!!
Okay so we already know that my main job is done as far as working but I'm still working on the side at job #2. It's been pretty nice not to really have to worry about work as much besides covering a shift for a fellow co-worker this past Tuesday. Oh and I've done some clothes shopping to get ready for my trip to Florida. Not to mention I got to call kai to see what a great present would be for Aislyn. This week has really gone by fast for some strange reason, guess with my damn cramps and all. Boy I had MAJOR cramps this past week and I'm so glad they have come and gone because if they had happend while I was on the trip I would of have really pissed off.!!!!!
Well as far as outfits go I actually bought a dress. Can you believe it a dress!!! Haven't bought one of those in years and a few pretty tops. Bringing jeans of course and some jogging stuff to kick it in. I'm so excited I don't know what to do with myself. Then on Aug. 14-16 I'm going to Chicago for my side job and I get to room with Danielle so that's just gonna be super!!!!!
Yesterday I had a hair appointment and got there at 2:30pm. I didn't get worked on until 4pm and I didn't leave the place until 7pm. Went home for a minute to chill out and then picked up Danielle from work and originally we were going to go see the new movie with Adam Sandler. Yet decided to hold off because Mina wanted to see it but she was already out for the evening. So I have been fighting a serious cold this past week and it's pretty much cleared up right? But it was really kickin my ass yesterday and last night I thought maybe if I had some of HOOTERS mild wings it might help my nose to open up.
So we go by Danielle's house so she can change and then make our way downtown. Well I didn't realize that the LION KING was showing last night so we had to fight the crowds to just make it to Lindell. So after about 20 minutes we finally get through and get to Kiener's Plaza downtown and park and walk-into HOOTERS. The place is somewhat packed but it's also freezing cold. Thankfully I brought a shawl with me and after we were seated it took about 10 minutes for someone to get to us. Not good.
So finally after we are waited on we give our drink and food orders it takes to me personally about 20 minutes at least for us to get our food. I didn't know if they were killin the chickens and skinning the potatoes in the back. The wings were good but we had to send the fries back because they were COLD!! So after the second order of fries come out we are ok. About 30 minutes later we leave and I drop Danielle off back home. I take my ass home and realize I have to be up in time for work tomorrow at 9:30am. Fuckin YEA!!! (NOT!!!!!!!!!!)
Well today is Saturday and my shift is almost over. Can't wait to just get home and chill out and suppose to go to some very interesting club with Danielle because her cousin wanted her to come. Yet she stated she wouldn't go unless I go with her, some club called Attitiudes off of Manchester. So I thought why the hell not we drove past there last night and boy that place was poppin;) I do know it's a gay club and I thought well I've never been to one and what could be the big deal???? Famous last words huh?
Well as far as outfits go I actually bought a dress. Can you believe it a dress!!! Haven't bought one of those in years and a few pretty tops. Bringing jeans of course and some jogging stuff to kick it in. I'm so excited I don't know what to do with myself. Then on Aug. 14-16 I'm going to Chicago for my side job and I get to room with Danielle so that's just gonna be super!!!!!
Yesterday I had a hair appointment and got there at 2:30pm. I didn't get worked on until 4pm and I didn't leave the place until 7pm. Went home for a minute to chill out and then picked up Danielle from work and originally we were going to go see the new movie with Adam Sandler. Yet decided to hold off because Mina wanted to see it but she was already out for the evening. So I have been fighting a serious cold this past week and it's pretty much cleared up right? But it was really kickin my ass yesterday and last night I thought maybe if I had some of HOOTERS mild wings it might help my nose to open up.
So we go by Danielle's house so she can change and then make our way downtown. Well I didn't realize that the LION KING was showing last night so we had to fight the crowds to just make it to Lindell. So after about 20 minutes we finally get through and get to Kiener's Plaza downtown and park and walk-into HOOTERS. The place is somewhat packed but it's also freezing cold. Thankfully I brought a shawl with me and after we were seated it took about 10 minutes for someone to get to us. Not good.
So finally after we are waited on we give our drink and food orders it takes to me personally about 20 minutes at least for us to get our food. I didn't know if they were killin the chickens and skinning the potatoes in the back. The wings were good but we had to send the fries back because they were COLD!! So after the second order of fries come out we are ok. About 30 minutes later we leave and I drop Danielle off back home. I take my ass home and realize I have to be up in time for work tomorrow at 9:30am. Fuckin YEA!!! (NOT!!!!!!!!!!)
Well today is Saturday and my shift is almost over. Can't wait to just get home and chill out and suppose to go to some very interesting club with Danielle because her cousin wanted her to come. Yet she stated she wouldn't go unless I go with her, some club called Attitiudes off of Manchester. So I thought why the hell not we drove past there last night and boy that place was poppin;) I do know it's a gay club and I thought well I've never been to one and what could be the big deal???? Famous last words huh?

July 14, 2007
What an interesting night............
Well yesterday was offically my last day of work at my full time job. Great right? Well of course it would have been if I had a car to get around so I had to resign myself to my mom picking me up from work and us going home to just chill. Well I woke up around 5:30pm bored out of my mind and told my mom we should get out of the house for a spell. So we get dressed and make our way out to St. Peters, MO. WE go by the Marshalls out there and then to the T.J. Maxx. At Marshalls we had a good time looking at stuff but by the time we left T.J. Maxx we weren't speakin to each other. Go figure.
So when we get back home around 7:30pm I go to the computer because I was pissed and I wanted to get out of the house and go see Harry Potter. Well of course I was without car so I was trying to figure out how in the world was I going to get to the St. Louis Galleria to catch the 9:40pm show? So I check out Metrolink schedule which had definitely changed within the 10 years since I had been on it last.
I left my house around 8:40pm and made my way up to UMSL south station and JUST missed a train that had pulled up. So I had to wait another 20 minutes for the next train and made my way to Forest Park where I had to apparently wait for the TRANFER train that would take me to the Richmond Heights location. By this time it was already 9:40pm still at the Forest Park location and I kept telling myself they were still no previews.
So finally the damn train shows and I finally get to Richmond Heights and the time is now 9:55pm. I dash off the train and get inside the Galleria and get to the movie area down stairs by 10:10pm. I grab some Nachos and a soda and get inside the movie theater the place is so damn pack I have to sit up front and of course I've missed the first 10-15 min. of the movie.
Overall the movie was fantastic and it's a shame that they won't be doing any more sequels unless they can talk the cast into it. Yet lets get the part where now it's time for me to go home. I get back to the Richmond Heights Metrolink station and by this time I've already missed the train that I should have caught AGAIN. So now I ahve to wait 20 minutes for the right train. I get concerned because it's becoming very close to when Metrolink will shut down. So Eventually a train comes in the opposite direction and I get on. I make my way to the next stop and get off the train and ask one of the security people if there is another train coming in the direction that I really need they said yes. So eventually 5 minutes later a train does come and I get back on and make my way back to Forest Park Station. Now I still needed my main transfer train to take me back to USML south station.
I found the HELP button on some stand on the platform and asked them if I had missed the last LAMBERT AIRPORT train and they stated...................yes. So now I'm lookin like OH-SHIT!!! So I asked is there any bus I can catch that will get me back over to UMSL South and the lady states NO NO NO. So I'm like SHIT SHIT SHIT. SO I go up the street level and get my cellphone and called 411 to get a cab service. I get connected to Lacleade Cab Service and someone picks me up within 10 minutes.
The guy who picks me up is of Native African Descent and we make conversation the whole way to my house. I finally got home around 1:30am and boy was I tired. We had a good talk and I gave him one of my back-up numbers to call me on. To make things worse I had a meeting TODAY at 7am. So ask me if Im tired?
So when we get back home around 7:30pm I go to the computer because I was pissed and I wanted to get out of the house and go see Harry Potter. Well of course I was without car so I was trying to figure out how in the world was I going to get to the St. Louis Galleria to catch the 9:40pm show? So I check out Metrolink schedule which had definitely changed within the 10 years since I had been on it last.
I left my house around 8:40pm and made my way up to UMSL south station and JUST missed a train that had pulled up. So I had to wait another 20 minutes for the next train and made my way to Forest Park where I had to apparently wait for the TRANFER train that would take me to the Richmond Heights location. By this time it was already 9:40pm still at the Forest Park location and I kept telling myself they were still no previews.
So finally the damn train shows and I finally get to Richmond Heights and the time is now 9:55pm. I dash off the train and get inside the Galleria and get to the movie area down stairs by 10:10pm. I grab some Nachos and a soda and get inside the movie theater the place is so damn pack I have to sit up front and of course I've missed the first 10-15 min. of the movie.
Overall the movie was fantastic and it's a shame that they won't be doing any more sequels unless they can talk the cast into it. Yet lets get the part where now it's time for me to go home. I get back to the Richmond Heights Metrolink station and by this time I've already missed the train that I should have caught AGAIN. So now I ahve to wait 20 minutes for the right train. I get concerned because it's becoming very close to when Metrolink will shut down. So Eventually a train comes in the opposite direction and I get on. I make my way to the next stop and get off the train and ask one of the security people if there is another train coming in the direction that I really need they said yes. So eventually 5 minutes later a train does come and I get back on and make my way back to Forest Park Station. Now I still needed my main transfer train to take me back to USML south station.
I found the HELP button on some stand on the platform and asked them if I had missed the last LAMBERT AIRPORT train and they stated...................yes. So now I'm lookin like OH-SHIT!!! So I asked is there any bus I can catch that will get me back over to UMSL South and the lady states NO NO NO. So I'm like SHIT SHIT SHIT. SO I go up the street level and get my cellphone and called 411 to get a cab service. I get connected to Lacleade Cab Service and someone picks me up within 10 minutes.
The guy who picks me up is of Native African Descent and we make conversation the whole way to my house. I finally got home around 1:30am and boy was I tired. We had a good talk and I gave him one of my back-up numbers to call me on. To make things worse I had a meeting TODAY at 7am. So ask me if Im tired?

July 13, 2007
Last day of summer school, first day of relaxation
Hey ya’ll guess what?????????? It’s official my last day of summer school at my regular job. YIPEEEE. Yes I know and you are probably wondering what I am going to do with myself from now till the 24th (Florida Trip). Well I’m just going to kick back and relax as well as work some days at my other job. Get myself prepared of course for the trip and who knows take in a yoga class or 2 to help myself relax.
I’ve been talking to Kai and I am just mega-psyched about this trip. I’ve been thinking of places I want to visit. I definitely want to go to a Salsa club, go to the beach, just anyplace really. Not to mention I can check out the men down there;) (BIG SMILE ON FACE). Who knows while I’m down there I will definitely check out the area to see what apartments and even houses are going for.
Well today it about 10:30am and we will be having an assembly around 11am for the summer school kids. After that I assume they will be released so they can enjoy the rest of their summer school-free.
I don’t know what I’m going to do for the rest of the day. Whatever I do, it will be limited to probably the house since my car is in the shop and I won’t be able to get it until Monday. Now tell me THAT doesn’t suck. Oh well I guess, Harry Potter will just have to put on hold along with the other movies that I want to see.
I can’t help but wonder sometimes will this be year I finally get my head cleared out and get myself focused and geared up for what is coming ahead. I hope so.
I’ve been talking to Kai and I am just mega-psyched about this trip. I’ve been thinking of places I want to visit. I definitely want to go to a Salsa club, go to the beach, just anyplace really. Not to mention I can check out the men down there;) (BIG SMILE ON FACE). Who knows while I’m down there I will definitely check out the area to see what apartments and even houses are going for.
Well today it about 10:30am and we will be having an assembly around 11am for the summer school kids. After that I assume they will be released so they can enjoy the rest of their summer school-free.
I don’t know what I’m going to do for the rest of the day. Whatever I do, it will be limited to probably the house since my car is in the shop and I won’t be able to get it until Monday. Now tell me THAT doesn’t suck. Oh well I guess, Harry Potter will just have to put on hold along with the other movies that I want to see.
I can’t help but wonder sometimes will this be year I finally get my head cleared out and get myself focused and geared up for what is coming ahead. I hope so.

July 11, 2007
The summer is almost gone……….
With Summer School almost out for my job, I can’t help but think about how I have yet to be able to enjoy myself. Especially when I was taking the summer UMSL course that I had to eventually drop because I was informed incorrectly by some at the School that I needed the class when in fact I had already taken the course and passed it.
Well yesterday I officially bought my airplane ticket to go visit my girl Kai and her family. I will be there from July 24 to the 31 and I can’t wait. This is definitely a vacation that is so long overdue. Who knows I might get down there and not want to come back. Cross your fingers;)
Also yesterday after cleaning my room (I know some people are like WHOA) Mina and Danielle picked me up around 4pm and we went out to Ameristar and met up with one of Mina’s sisters to enjoy the buffet. As usual A+++. Keisha (Mina’s sis) and Danielle went to go play some Blackjack which left Mina and I at the table talking. We met up with them about 10 minutes later and just chilled out while Keisha was still playing. Danielle and I went to go play some penny machines and Mina stayed with Keisha to play Blackjack. About an hour later we said our goodbyes to Keisha and they dropped me off back home.
I went to my now clean room and just stretched across the bed. Also my car was making a funny rattling sound as I was leaving work which is why the girls had to come get me. Haven’t been able to tell my dad yet so probably will let him know when he gets home this evening. So far the highlight of my day has been paying bills. Hopefully you can find something a tad bit more exciting to do with your day than I have. Ta-ta
Well yesterday I officially bought my airplane ticket to go visit my girl Kai and her family. I will be there from July 24 to the 31 and I can’t wait. This is definitely a vacation that is so long overdue. Who knows I might get down there and not want to come back. Cross your fingers;)
Also yesterday after cleaning my room (I know some people are like WHOA) Mina and Danielle picked me up around 4pm and we went out to Ameristar and met up with one of Mina’s sisters to enjoy the buffet. As usual A+++. Keisha (Mina’s sis) and Danielle went to go play some Blackjack which left Mina and I at the table talking. We met up with them about 10 minutes later and just chilled out while Keisha was still playing. Danielle and I went to go play some penny machines and Mina stayed with Keisha to play Blackjack. About an hour later we said our goodbyes to Keisha and they dropped me off back home.
I went to my now clean room and just stretched across the bed. Also my car was making a funny rattling sound as I was leaving work which is why the girls had to come get me. Haven’t been able to tell my dad yet so probably will let him know when he gets home this evening. So far the highlight of my day has been paying bills. Hopefully you can find something a tad bit more exciting to do with your day than I have. Ta-ta

July 6, 2007
Let’s make it a movie night
Well yesterday I had work and after I got off I went to UMSL to enroll in the CORRECT economics class and also I am going to take Business Writing in the fall. After wrapping that up I went to Break-Away Café off of Natural Bridge near Hanley Road and had my favorite, Pasta Con Broccoli.
After getting the rest of my food put in a to-go container I went home and took a nap. Then I woke up and started moving boxes I had in my room and in the back porch downstairs to be put in a storage facility. My girls had been calling me to give me the time to hook up with them and Mina’s family to go see TRANSFORMERS at the AMC Creve Coeur Movie Theater. We met up at 8pm and got tickets for the show I also saw one of my former co-workers from my main job there as well. Let me tell you something………..when this movie comes out on DVD, I am SO GETTING THIS!!!!!
The movie was phucking unbelievable the action and the special effects were just something you only dream about. This movie had the plot going on as well; I damn near wanted to jump out of my SEAT!!!! Optimus Prime was just awesome and so were the other characters. Mega-Tron looked just as much the bad-ass leader.
OVER-ALL if I had 4 hands I would give this 4 thumbs up.!!!! After the movie let out I went to the restroom and then Mina decided she wanted to go see KNOCKED UP so we said our good-byes to Mina’s family and so then Danielle, Mina, and myself went to go see that movie which started at 10:30pm and didn’t get out of there till 1am. That movie was just hilarious. Definitely the same smart humor from 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN. Highly recommend if you should do a 2 movie in 1 night deal. Go see those 2. You won’t be disappointed.
Well today I’m at work and just bumming out because………….I’m at work…….but it is pay day from job #2 and it’s also hair day so thank you GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ya’ll have a good day and try to stay cool!!!
After getting the rest of my food put in a to-go container I went home and took a nap. Then I woke up and started moving boxes I had in my room and in the back porch downstairs to be put in a storage facility. My girls had been calling me to give me the time to hook up with them and Mina’s family to go see TRANSFORMERS at the AMC Creve Coeur Movie Theater. We met up at 8pm and got tickets for the show I also saw one of my former co-workers from my main job there as well. Let me tell you something………..when this movie comes out on DVD, I am SO GETTING THIS!!!!!
The movie was phucking unbelievable the action and the special effects were just something you only dream about. This movie had the plot going on as well; I damn near wanted to jump out of my SEAT!!!! Optimus Prime was just awesome and so were the other characters. Mega-Tron looked just as much the bad-ass leader.
OVER-ALL if I had 4 hands I would give this 4 thumbs up.!!!! After the movie let out I went to the restroom and then Mina decided she wanted to go see KNOCKED UP so we said our good-byes to Mina’s family and so then Danielle, Mina, and myself went to go see that movie which started at 10:30pm and didn’t get out of there till 1am. That movie was just hilarious. Definitely the same smart humor from 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN. Highly recommend if you should do a 2 movie in 1 night deal. Go see those 2. You won’t be disappointed.
Well today I’m at work and just bumming out because………….I’m at work…….but it is pay day from job #2 and it’s also hair day so thank you GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ya’ll have a good day and try to stay cool!!!

July 5, 2007
What a wonderful 4th of July
Well today is July 5th and the festivities associated with July 4th are officially over. I had a wonderful day yesterday. On July 3rd, I of course had work. After work was over around 2pm I went home and nobody was there at the time. I was debating about getting smoker prepared for the food but my mom called in the nick of time and told me don’t start yet because it was still too hot. So I chilled out and took a nap. Hell didn’t wake up until 5pm and that is when I started making fires in both my huge smoker and a smaller bar-q pit.
We put the baby back ribs and the pork steaks on the smoker and put chicken halves, chicken wings on the smaller bar-q pit. After the baby back ribs and pork steaks were done we took those in the house and then put the chicken quarters and some more chicken halves on the smoker. Soon after, the chicken wings in the smaller bar-q grill as well as the 2 chicken halves that we put on there were all ready to be taken off. So after clearing that off we then moved the chicken quarters from the smoker to the bar-q grill to cook faster while we still left the other 2 chicken halves in the smoker to cook.
Then after a while the last 2 chicken halves were done in the smoker we then threw on some hotdogs and polish sausages to finish off the night. So my mother and I were pretty much cooking from 5pm and didn’t get done until midnight. One of our neighbors came over and we talked for a spell and then she went home. We sure cooked up some meat that night 2 huge pans with nothing but chicken, ribs, and pork steaks. YUM YUM
After all that we cut up the meat and put it in the fridge. I’m so thankful I did the bar-q the day before the 4th and will keep doing that from now on. Of course I smelled like a smoke chicken and pig so I had to take a long as bath with one of my favorite scents from the Bath and Body works collection BREATHE COMFORT, it’s the bomb.
And then I took my ass to bed.
Fast-forward: 4th of July rolls around and I’m still knocked out from last night. I finally get up around 10 am (I think) and I go down stairs to help my mom prepare food for the day. We made Sweet Potatoes, Green Beans, Sweet Corn, HUGE Rolls, reheated the chicken, ribs, and pork steaks in the oven, and of course bar-q sauce for the meat.
Kamina came over around 3:30pm -4pm-ish and she chilled out in my room since I just got up from taking a nap and had just gotten out of the tub. Also apparently Trenton (my play brother) was already down stairs and had been down there for almost an hour without me knowing. So I had to get dressed quickly and then Mina and I went downstairs to chill and eat.
Around 5:45pm, Mina and I left to go pick up Danielle from work since the store closed early around 6pm. She was ready and we made it back to the house and Trenton had already made it back himself with his girlfriend in tow this time. So introductions were made and then we were all chilling out in the family room along with Diahanna and then Patrina (another co-worker) came over and we were all watching some Impersonator show on tv and then flipped to The HOUSE OF PAYNE and watched some episodes of that. Mom came in also to relax so we were just having a great time. Trenton and his gal soon left around 7pm-ish to go catch Transformers. Which left the rest of us just relaxin and talking the night away. My girls left around 10pm and I helped my mom put the food away and get the kitchen back together.
I was debating on going to the movies but the wine in my system stated otherwise so I took myself upstairs and went to sleep and didn’t wake up until 5:45am. So of course I’m still recouping from my SPIRITS drinking from the previous shin-ding. But you know what? It was worth it;)
Hope you had a kick-ass 4th of July, I sure as hell did;)
We put the baby back ribs and the pork steaks on the smoker and put chicken halves, chicken wings on the smaller bar-q pit. After the baby back ribs and pork steaks were done we took those in the house and then put the chicken quarters and some more chicken halves on the smoker. Soon after, the chicken wings in the smaller bar-q grill as well as the 2 chicken halves that we put on there were all ready to be taken off. So after clearing that off we then moved the chicken quarters from the smoker to the bar-q grill to cook faster while we still left the other 2 chicken halves in the smoker to cook.
Then after a while the last 2 chicken halves were done in the smoker we then threw on some hotdogs and polish sausages to finish off the night. So my mother and I were pretty much cooking from 5pm and didn’t get done until midnight. One of our neighbors came over and we talked for a spell and then she went home. We sure cooked up some meat that night 2 huge pans with nothing but chicken, ribs, and pork steaks. YUM YUM
After all that we cut up the meat and put it in the fridge. I’m so thankful I did the bar-q the day before the 4th and will keep doing that from now on. Of course I smelled like a smoke chicken and pig so I had to take a long as bath with one of my favorite scents from the Bath and Body works collection BREATHE COMFORT, it’s the bomb.
And then I took my ass to bed.
Fast-forward: 4th of July rolls around and I’m still knocked out from last night. I finally get up around 10 am (I think) and I go down stairs to help my mom prepare food for the day. We made Sweet Potatoes, Green Beans, Sweet Corn, HUGE Rolls, reheated the chicken, ribs, and pork steaks in the oven, and of course bar-q sauce for the meat.
Kamina came over around 3:30pm -4pm-ish and she chilled out in my room since I just got up from taking a nap and had just gotten out of the tub. Also apparently Trenton (my play brother) was already down stairs and had been down there for almost an hour without me knowing. So I had to get dressed quickly and then Mina and I went downstairs to chill and eat.
Around 5:45pm, Mina and I left to go pick up Danielle from work since the store closed early around 6pm. She was ready and we made it back to the house and Trenton had already made it back himself with his girlfriend in tow this time. So introductions were made and then we were all chilling out in the family room along with Diahanna and then Patrina (another co-worker) came over and we were all watching some Impersonator show on tv and then flipped to The HOUSE OF PAYNE and watched some episodes of that. Mom came in also to relax so we were just having a great time. Trenton and his gal soon left around 7pm-ish to go catch Transformers. Which left the rest of us just relaxin and talking the night away. My girls left around 10pm and I helped my mom put the food away and get the kitchen back together.
I was debating on going to the movies but the wine in my system stated otherwise so I took myself upstairs and went to sleep and didn’t wake up until 5:45am. So of course I’m still recouping from my SPIRITS drinking from the previous shin-ding. But you know what? It was worth it;)
Hope you had a kick-ass 4th of July, I sure as hell did;)

July 2, 2007
Independence Day around the corner
What's up people how ya living? Well it's ya girl bringig you another episode into my world. This past weekend I had work at job #2 this past Saturday and Sunday. On Wednesday we will celebrate our Independence Day as a nation. I don't know how ya'll plan to celebrate but I will be Bar-Q-ing. Most likely I will be bar-q-ing this Tuesday or Wednesday. Haven't made up my mind yet. I do know I need to get the meat out of the freezer at least today so i can have it thawed out. I'll marinate tonight or tomorrow. *UPDATE* Just got off the phone with my dad and decided meat needed to be taken out right now so I can Bar-Q Tuesday night. I want to enjoy my Wednesday with my friends since I invited a few to come over and kick it.
Also in the hunt to find a cheap ass ticket to Florida to go visit Kai. I've been looking forward to this for quite some time. Amy should be due anytime now, Danielle and Mina have been chilling. Family's doing fine and I must say I'm just chillin and enjoying myself. Oh and accidently took home a demo phone (Samsung Upstage) and need to promptly return THAT back to the store ASAP!!!
Yall have a good day and enjoy yourself and your loved ones;) Ciou.
Also in the hunt to find a cheap ass ticket to Florida to go visit Kai. I've been looking forward to this for quite some time. Amy should be due anytime now, Danielle and Mina have been chilling. Family's doing fine and I must say I'm just chillin and enjoying myself. Oh and accidently took home a demo phone (Samsung Upstage) and need to promptly return THAT back to the store ASAP!!!
Yall have a good day and enjoy yourself and your loved ones;) Ciou.

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