
May 7, 2012

Shameless Plug: Fruit My Cube

Have you ever wanted fresh fruits or veggies delivered to your job instead of going to the store after work?

fruit classic cube

 veggie crate

Well this company, FruitMyCube does just that. At my job, we were introduced to this company last year. At first they did fruit boxes, but now they also sell veggie crates. Also this produce comes from the Belleville Market, in Belleville, Illinois. They have been a staple in their community for over 30 years. I have yet to see any bad/spoiled fruits or veggies come through which serves as a testament to the high quality of work their workers perform in regards to making sure every cube that leaves their facility has nothing but the best fruit or veggies. If you are interested in having them deliver to your work place go to FruitMyCube. Don't worry if your company is not on the list in the Greater Saint Louis or Metro East area then you can email them and request to be added. Right now only those areas are being served. Hopefully more will be added to the list as they expand their business.

If your business is not located in the Greater Saint Louis or Metro East area, fear not you can always show your support for local Farmer Markets across the area by visiting this website FarmersMarket.

Here are a few pics of a veggie crate that came to our office today, unfortunately the lower pic doesn't do the box that must justice. There were plenty more veggies at the bottom of the crate after further exploration! Like....4 ears of corn, 3 white potatoes, 3 white onions, a clove of garlic, and some other goodies!

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