
January 24, 2006

This is such a boring Tuesday;) but my Sunday was better

Today is Tuesday, and I’m at job #2. Well I wanted to let you know that I took my mom to the Cheesecake Factory on Sunday. Since my dad took her out Friday and Saturday Evening. I left work around 3pm. I had my clothes with me that I was going to change into, and called my mom to let her know to meet me. Well I’m driving on Lindbergh on the way to the Saint Louis Galleria and within being 10 min. away from my destination my mom calls………………….She states my dad says he needs her car. I’m mentally going ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH. Yet I politely say don’t worry about, I’ll just BACKTRACK and pick you up.

I drive into our neighborhood and pass my dad driving out of it. I get to my house and my mom gets in. We go to the mall and first we do some shopping before everything shutdown. Now I have a question for anyone who shops. Is it me or didn’t the mall used to close at 6:30pm? Reason I bring this up is that when we first arrived at the mall, it was round 4pm. By the time we go to Cheesecake Factory its 5pm. We leave the restaurant by 6pm. I notice that stores are closing up. I’m thinking this doesn’t look right so as we walk to our car thru the mall, I notice sure enough all the stores are in closing mode. Hmmmm makes me wonder.

When we get home, my mom winds down and I go to my room. Well around 9pm I hear my mom, dad, and sis. They are all in the Master Bedroom waiting to watch a DVR previous recording of the show 24. I don’t know the fascination with the show but they all watch it religiously.

Fast-forward to yesterday (Monday), nothing interesting. Except this pain in the ass cramp in the side of my neck but it’s been there for the past week. Oh and I also received my W2 form for one of my jobs………now if only the OTHER one would come in. I would a VERY happy woman.

Now it is today (Tuesday) I clocked in around 6:55am and have been here ever since. Pray for me;)
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