
January 4, 2006

PART TWO: update to fiasco new years eve

went to both jobs today, not much spectacular at job 1, but you can imagine my surprise at job 2. Saw johnathon and we had a bit of a "talk". He gave me a totally different story from the one i was told from Danielle. He stated he tried to give her all the money upfront at first but she wouldn't take it. Not to mention he says that she didn't tell him until that friday where the hotel rooms were. Of course I'm lookin like "huh"? So after he gives me the whole story I just told him from now on just to avoid any further confusion in the future. All money will be had upfront and I WILL take care of the reservations. After that, we it was all gravy and back to the grind.

Fast forward to leaving best buy, why did one of my co-workers come back in and tell me that all her hubcaps on her car were stolen. I thought she was kidding but alas, I checked her car out and damn she was tellin the truth. I felt really sorry for her, because I remember last May someone broke into my car right in front of my house and stole 250 of my CD's (all originals none were copies, some I had for over 10 years), my portable CD player, and my Nintendo Gameboy Color (the one right before the Nintendo DS) as well as 4 games for it. I was so upset that someone could be that cruel to take something of mine. It still bothers me to this day, I have yet to buy an music CD's. I haven't replaced my portable CD player or my Nintendo Gameboy Color. I'm a sentimental person and all the items were something special to me.

For the longest time I wished I had caught the son-of-a-bitch while he was in the act, and could bash him good. Yet if I had who knows what could have happened to me. Either way, I miss stuff. Regardless, I told my co-worker she needed to call the police and file a report. I then left and proceeded on the way home. i was watching the Rose Bowl Game at the job and just finished watching it in my room. The Longhorns have one hell of a Quarterback he put foot to ass tonight. Yet I won't lie I was rootin for South California, but the better team one.

So to you all goodnight and stay warm under the covers. Toodles.
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