
October 6, 2005

Creve Coeur Park Challenge

Yesterday I had an interesting challenge. Well mostly I challenged myself. I went to Creve Coeur Park which is about 5 minutes away from my job and I walked their exercise trail. Which happens to be 3.8 miles long…..Am I crazy yes….but it’s something that I wanted to do to help me get back into the shape that I want to be in. Mind you I also had on ankle and wrist weights. The trail was very beautiful, I like how it changed up being able to walk in wooded areas, but I’m not crazy I made sure I was around other people as I walked but during the end of my trek, it was getting pretty dark. Overall it took me about 2 and 1/2 hours to finish my walk.

I went back to my car and drank my Gatorade (Fruit Punch). I relaxed for a minute before heading home. As soon I arrived home I went upstairs and started the bathtub, put in some Bath oil, soaked for 30 minutes, with some music and finished off with a body scrub. I went to bed sleeping like a baby and woke up just a tad bit soar ;) Overall I think this is a new beginning to the old me physically.
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