
December 5, 2006

wow there IS a god.....who actually LIKES electricty

Well yesterday ya girl had work and got off around 5pm. So Danielle and I left work and met my mom at Sears at Northwest Plaza to look at a stand for a new tv we are getting at the house for the family room. So after doing that fun chore, Danielle and I head to my house so I could get some clothes so I could sleep at her house for the night because when I woke up Monday morning I could SEE my BREATH, that let me know it was time to stay at someone else's crib.

So as we turn down my street Danielle notices the LIGHTS ARE BACK ON!!!!!! I park my car and get out and start jumping all over the snow on my front lawn and when I try to get in the house, my dad opens the door with this BIG ass smile on his face and says "merry christmas". I laughed so hard. I was still squealing when I was going up the steps. Yet as usual my sis tries to dampen my parade with her usual sarcastic self. Yet I didn't let her faze me, I just do what I normally do when she is in the house, pretend she is not there.

So I go to my room and throw my work clothes off and change into some other clothes. I couldn't believe I wasn't freezing MAN you don't know how spoiled you are until you have to go without. So I get some other clothes on and DAnielle and I go back to her house. We chill out there for a minute and then we go to Houlihans at the GAlleria and meet up with Mina for some Din-din.

We chillout there and have a good time. So around 10pm we leave there and Danielle and I go back to her house. Mina was going to be home later after making a quick dip to Walmart. So about 11pm I leave their house and make my way back home. As soon as I get home I just chillout in my room and plug in all my items so I can have them working and watch T.V. I doze off with a big ole smile on my face.

Today is Tuesday and boy I don't have to WORK!!!! Yet I do have other things to do. Hopefully I will be able to meet up with Danielle and Mina at Dave and Busters today so we can chillout again and see who get's braggin rights for the Basketball game. YEAH!!!!! So enjoy your day, I know I will;)
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