Well it's Monday afternoon and I'm still at my friends house. I slept over for the 2nd night in a row. My house STILL doesn't have power and because of this, I decided to call off from work. I took my friend to work and she was nice enough to give me the keys to her place to chill out. I went home first to checkout my house to make sure everything is okay beyond us NOT HAVING POWER!!! I just got finished watchin GUESS WHO with Bernie Mac and Ashton Kucharback at my friend's place. Very funny movie;) Then I decided to play some Playstation with a lil Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and tried to play Metal Gear Solid SnakeEater yet the motherfucker won't work. Soneedless to say I'm pissed about that. Then I realized that its raining AGAIN!!!!! I peeked outside the window and sure enough it's poring outside.
I realized Im in this big house by myself while my friend and her roommate are both at work. You know the first thing I think to myself? FINALLY SOME ME TIME YEA!!! I can chillout with all the lights off in the whole house and just CHILL..... Yet I think to myself. I do wish I had somebody for days like these....rainy days. Even though some people feels that rainy days only keep you in the house, just think how creative some people are about them and know how to take advantage of them.lolol I know I can think of some THANGS:)
I talked to my mom for around 20 minutes. Decided to write a quick post for my blog and then take a nap. Adios!
Oh and for those who actually don't know all the lyrics (like me) they are below
Raindrops are falling on my head
and just like the guy who's feet are too big for his bed,
nothing seems to fit
raindrops are falling on my head,they keep falling
so I just did me some talking to the sun,
and I said I didn't like the way he got things done,
sleeping on the jobthose,
raindrops are falling on my head they keep falling
But there's one thing, I know
the blues they sent to greet me won't defeat me.
It won't be long 'till happiness steps up to greet me
Raindrops keep falling on my head
but that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red.
Crying's not for me, cause
I'm never gonna stop the rain by complaining
because I'm free
nothing's worrying me
It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me
Raindrops keep falling on my head
but that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red
crying 's not for me
Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complaining
because I'm free
Nothing's worrying me