
October 11, 2006

what a yesterday

Well yesterday I didn't have work so I hooked up with Danielle and we spent the day together kickin it and mulling over what to do for Mina's B-day. So I went over her house around 10am, by that time Mina was already at work but Keith was there. So Danielle gets dress and we get going. We made a quick stop someplace and then went out to Dave and Buster's.

We both ordered Philly Cheese Chicken sandwiches and we continued our talkings in regards to Mina's b-day. We finally had come up with something and then we went to the game room to play some different games. As we were playing one of the games we heard a woman screaming but we thought it was one of the video games. When we happen to look off to our left we saw a young man having a seizure right there on the floor.

His mom was running around, his dad ran and kept his body in place, and his younger brother just ran around not knowing what to do. Soon afterwards Dave and Buster's personal just came in droves to immediately help out. It took the ambulance 15 minutes to get there. We left shortly after that and headed on to the Saint Louis Mills. Danielle had to get some new pants and I went into Marshalls and found something that my mom wanted.

We leave there and make a quick stop by my house to see if my mom is there but she was at our cousin Jean's house consoling her on the loss of her son. My mom called me on Monday at work to inform me that he had been found dead in the basement of man's house he was suppose to paint for. My cousin Jean had dropped him off that Friday evening, so we assume he passed away shortly afterwards. He had a list of medical problems, especially diabetes and since he was on so much medicine, they say having an autopsy would be futile.

So for me it's been somewhat a somber week and I need to get a hold of the schedule tot see if I can possibly make the funeral since it will be on Monday but he will be buried in Jefferson Barracks since he had served in the Military. I don't know it just seems so strange, the last time saw him it was for his mom special celebration that I think was given earlier this year.

So flashback to later on yesterday evening. Danielle and I get back to her house and Mina is there under the covers. She had an unfortunate shitty day and we talked for a while until I left. Been up this morning till 6am and watched a DVD in regards to work since I have to give the training in my department. Hopefully I won't tank. Pray for me.
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