March 20, 2012
Spring Break - Day 5
Good evening to all, well on day 5 of my "spring break" I had plans this morning that unfortunately fell through. So I mainly stayed home and cleaned up between bouts of watching tv, being on my laptop and studying when I can. The most excitement I had today was going with my sister and running an errand.
Yet I can say the most interesting thing happened this evening. If you are not aware, Oprah is coming to Saint Louis for one of her LifeClasses. I heard about it on the internet and through friends. So I went on her website and put my name into the hat for the drawing last month. I received an email on March 13th that I hadn't been picked so I started calling the various radio stations when I knew they were doing a giveaway with tickets. Well needless to say that was a nightmare and nothing was fruitful from that option.
So you can imagine my surprise when I checked my email account and realized that they had sent an email to me back on Thursday stating that there were still tickets and if I wanted to be considered I had to email them back DEADLINE March 15th! Unfortunately I did not check the email until yesterday........but I responded anyway and this evening I was surprised to find a confirmation email stating that I had tickets to go!
So I called my mom to let her know we were going and do you know what she asked me? If Oprah was gonna give away something to the audience, cars or Ipads, something like that. I told her no, THAT show was no longer going on. lol Oh well back to this evening and enjoying my spring break. Enjoy the evening.