March 8, 2012
I'm waiting on you Friday.....
Well this evening has brought a closure to a hectic day yet overall I've had a nice week. This past Tuesday one of my best friend's Danielle, celebrated her bday out at Stir Crazy with about 20 people. Afterwards I went back to her hotel room and met up with some of our friends who were at the party and just kicked it and had a damn good time. I was feeling LOVELY by the time I left which was about 2am, yea....and ya girl had to be back up in 4 hours. NOT A GOOD LOOK!!! But being the soldier that I am, I had my behind at work and on time. All of my senses might not have been firing at 100% but I was at least working at around 75% so for me that is passable.
So fast forward to today. The day was busy as all out with Student Led conferences going on this evening and all the prepping for them that has been going on. I didn't have to stay because I had a Spanish test this evening, so I'll just take the next shift Monday night. The Spanish test that I was dreading to take for the past two weeks was a nightmare. So needless to say I won't go into how I felt about it. Only comfort I have is knowing the next chapter I'm on doesn't look so bad as the last one.
So now I'm at home now chilling, writing on my blog, watching Family Guy, and listening to a BAD ASS Saxophonist by the name of Maceo Parker, he used to play with James Brown. The song I'm listening to is called Children's World. Pull it up on Spotify if you have the program. It is something to soothe you this evening.
Tomorrow is Friday and it brings me one week closer to a long awaited, anticipated, much prayed about spring break.