
June 24, 2007

The aftermath

Well it's Sunday and I have work at 11am. The fight from friday with my mother has pretty much left us not talking with each other. On friday after the incident, I spoke with Kai for a while and that was the first time I could say I smiled that day. Soon afterwards I spoke with Danielle and Mina. I left the house around 7pm to meet up with Mina at Cicero's so we could chill out, eat, and talk. Afterwards we drove in my car to go pick up Danielle from work.

Our orginal plans were to go drinking but then we all realized that we had work in the morning so it was best to post-pone those plans until Saturday night.

Saturday morning rolled around and Danielle and I had to be at a store meeting at 7am in the morning. We then worked our shifts and were off at 4pm. We went back to my place because i discovered a serious problem on Friday after the fight with my mother. After I went to White Castles, I decided to go to UMSL to chill out. I had been feeling funny about the course I was taking and something told me to double-check my transcript just to make sure I wasn't taking this class for nothing.

Sure enough when I went on line and went through it, I had already taken this course, Macroeconomics and in fact needed the opposite, Microeconomics. I immediately emailed my current professor and informed her of my dilema, I emailed the professor whose course I REALLY needed, and the registrar regarding tuition. I received responses from both the professors Saturday evening. Pretty much my current professor said she would drop me without it affecting me in a negative way. The professor who I actually needed told me that it would be a challenge for me to catch up especially with an exam in 2 weeks and 3 assignments already done, but if I felt I could catch up he would sign off on the request form and allow me into his class.

So after I read my email yesterday evening, Danielle was sitting at my Dining room table and we were talking about the possibilites. I know I'm smart but I don't think I could overcome not being in a class from the beginning and being behind by damn near 2 weeks worth of work. So as I still ponder my decision my next issue is finding out how much will I be out of tuition, if any. What has me so ticked off about this whole situation is the lady who enrolled me. I asked her to double check my transcript to make sure that I was taking the correct class and she stated that I was. Now I'm finding out the opposite.

So while I'm upstairs getting changed and Danielle is in the Family room chilling out, I go the family room and we are watching SCRUBS. My parents come in and I tell Danielle that's our cue to get out. My dad comes in and I could tell he probably wanted to talk but was taken by surprise to see Danielle there. We both left the house and I didn't say good-bye to either one of them. We went to Danielle's house and I chilled out downstairs and watched GhostRider while Danielle was upstairs watching TV. After the movie was over I go to her room and we chill out before heading to Houlihan's off of Hanley.

We get there and order drinks and appetizers. Mina joins us around 40 minutes to an 1 hour later and we just chill and talk. We leave the place around 11pm I think and Mina goes home with plans of going out later that night. Danielle and I get to her house as well and I drop Danielle off telling her I'll see her in the morning.
I get home make it to my room and just go to sleep. Wondering about what will happen tomorrow.

So now it's Sunday morning and I'm here, in front of my computer typing away on my way to work and all I can think about is absolutely......nothing.
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