
August 12, 2006

Update to my upside down week.

Hey there, just wanted to give you all an update;) I am doing pretty good, picked up some more hours at job #2 while Im looking for a new gig to replace the hellhole I left. I've decided to put in a complaint and possibly forward it to the EEOC. I contacted Chanel to inform her of what I'm doing and she told me that she spoke with Juanita. Yesterday I put in a request to former gig#1 Customer Service to forward me the address where I would put in a complaint in regards to certain employees. They responded they would get back to me. Also today I received the paper work to file for unemployment wages. So I'll have my hands full taking care of that issue as well as writing up the complaint.

Now just to clear this up, I'm not lookin for money, yet if it SHOULD get THROWN my way, I WILL pick it up. It's about how certain employees think it is okay to act and do business a certain way. I'm letting them know otherwise because they need a serious wake-up call and if I have to be the rooster, so be it.

To take my mind off of everything happening this week, I decided to go to a movie late last night. I got off of gig #2 around 11:10pm so I decided to go see the new movie THE DESCENT at Ronnie's Movie Theater which is about 30 minutes away from my job. So I decided to go to the last show which was around 11:50pm and actually get there in good time, around 11:30pm and with 20 minutes to spare I wait in line forever and finally get my food. So I offically get in my seat around 11:55pm. Overall the movie was very good to me, Scared me shitless in a couple of scenes. I then make the long trek home and don't get there until 2am or something like that. LOLOL

My sister then has the nerve to disturb my sleep around 7am this morning and asks me to take her to work. So yea I take her to work and then I end up washing my car and my mom's car to kill time. Now when in the HELL do you know someone to wash a car to waste time? Yea I know.......Just really weird. So overall I had work today from 2:45pm to CLOSE. So just pray for me okay? Love ya lots;)
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