Yesterday evening I went to an Open Dress Rehearsal play at the St. Louis Black Repertory Company. My best friend, Kamina also invited one of my other best friend’s, Danielle. Information for the play is below:
March 15-April 9By Cheryl West
Directed by Linda Kennedy
Sponsored by Emerson
Caught in a love triangle, a young, big-city musician learns he has AIDS. He returns to his Mississippi home to confront not just his own mortality, but his family's reaction when he reveals his illness isn't the only secret he's been keeping.
Featuring Starletta DuPois and A.C. Smith
I thought it was a very interesting play and the actors in this were excellent. I’m not one to spoil the story line for you but I will say this. It definitely will keep you on the edge of your seat and the message it brings across I think somewhere in your life and if not your own maybe in someone else you know who can relate with this issue. Watching this play, it took me back into the 80’s when the hype and negative attention AIDS first garnered when it hit the news. Yet even 20 years later, through medical advancements to help people living with this disease. Even with all the different clinics, pamphlets, websites, foundations, in the world to help people better understand the battle that humanity as whole IS STILL trying to combat, there is still one fact that remains. People fear what they don’t understand and won’t educate themselves on.
On a totally seperate note: The gentleman who played "JR" in the play, is FIONE!!! (this means he is very handsome in SLANG). Kamina said she went to high school with him and I think his first name is Kelvin or SOMETHING. Oh well;)