
September 17, 2007

Even when I have a day off I'm still

Well today i took a day off from Job #1 so I could handle some personal business. yet the funny thing was I was still getting up at 5am in the morning so I could get some stuff done FOR job #1 for about 2 hours. so you know I'm putting in a time edit right? After that i get up and get dressed for my destination and I'm all done by 2:30pm. Had to run to job #2 to handle some business and then I was off back to my home. Oh and by the way, why are the brakes on my car barely working after just getting them fixed less than a week ago? Yea can't wait to tell pops.....

any way I get home by 3:45pm so i can take an ahem, ahem, nap;) and what do ya know? I have to be at school by 5:30pm. so needless to say that was shortlived. So I go to class for Economics (micro) and i'm barely able to stay awake. Not to mention it doesn't help that I hate the subject and i have a test on 4 chapters by next monday. Someone please give me some vicoden for the headache that's about to come along.

Just got done doing some English homework in the Library and I thought I would just type up this little rant while i was at it.;)
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