
February 2, 2006

Nothing like your friends, alcohol, and chicken

Well its 12 days till Valentines Day;) Do you know where your sweetheart is? I sure as hell don’t because I don’t have one. But that’s okay (for now). Well yesterday I didn’t dwell on that since I had work at job #1. Afterwards I went to job #2 to pick up a bulletin board for Danielle. She VOLUNTEERED Appliances to make up the board. Yea….

LOL, anyway I then proceed to Danielle so we can go out for dinner. We decide on Outback Steakhouse off of Clayton Road. When we get there, Kamina gives Danielle cell phone a ring and we tell her our location. She is leaving school and will join us shortly. Within 15-20 minutes, she finally arrives and Danielle and I are just about to get our chow on. Kamina order’s food as well and we all chill out and drink. I had some non-alcoholic beverage aka Pink Lemonade, while Danielle and Kamina do it up big style with Vodka drinks…

Afterwards, we say good bye to Kamina and head on out to Target to get material for the bulletin board. Eventually we decide on black construction paper as a background and green paper as the board, since the theme of the board was WAR. Around 11pm we are finally done and I take my black ass home. So afterwards I get home and greet my mom in the kitchen who just got in herself. My dad is asleep upstairs and my sister is no where at home. Overall had a pretty good day and night;)

Stay tuned for any EXCITING events, of course that is if they are EXCITING tomorrow.
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