
April 22, 2012

What a nice weekend 4/22/2012

This Friday was super busy for me to the point I was not able to eat anything until after work. We threw a party for our students for them doing such a good job with MAP testing. I also had to crank out progress reports to be ready to go in the mail. I didn't leave work until 5:15pm to prep for our Annual Garage Sale that was happening Saturday. After all that fun I left work and had some self pampering done and eventually made my way where I fell into exhaustion and woke up around 10pm. My girl Bridgette was having a birthday gathering at the InSpot Lounge off of Delmar, but that started at 9pm. I got dressed and texted her and she stated that she along with some other friends were already on their way to the OZ club over in Illinois. So I put on a pair new shoes that I bought back in February and had to test them out to gauge my balance. So after walking in them a while I made my way on out to meet them.

We had a darn good time and eventually we parted ways around 2am, I made it home and as soon as I could sit my ass down I took off my shoes but I will say they sure did get hella compliments from the men and women alike.

So I go into dream land and wake up at 6:30am to get ready to be at my job for our annual Garage Sale which started at 8am. It was quite nice talking to folks and assisting people with their purchases. My shift ended at 10am and so I made my way downtown so I could be on time for my 11am hair appt. I don't leave the hair salon until 3pm. Yep I'm used it to it. lol Afterwards I go home and catch some zzz's. I eventually wake up and go to the Galleria to get my eyebrows waxed walked around for a while and then go back home. I was zonked out for the rest of the evening. Now it's Sunday, I'm at home chilling getting some regular Sunday chores out the way and wondering if I want to go out. Honestly don't feel like it but my moods have been known to change from time to time;) Yet I do have a Spanish test coming up this Thursday, might have to get those books crackin.

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