April 7, 2012
It's all about me 4/7/12
Well this week was nice until this past Thursday. I had my 3rd Spanish test that night and I THINK I did okay. I am comfortable acknowledging that being fluent in Spanish I will never be. Yet if I can learn enough to pass Spanish 2 then on cloud 9 I shall be on. On Friday my students had a half day but the staff unfortunately did not get out until regular time. For me that was not until 4pm. After jetting from work I went to the nail salon and received a manicure.
After that I went home and chilled out until 10:30pm. I decided I was in the mood for some sushi so I strolled on down the Delmar Loop and went to the Ginger Bistro to get an order of my favs: Tempura Philly Rolls. While I was enjoying my food, the weirdest sight went past me on Delmar. At least 200 bicyclists in outfits that ranged from normal to downright nuts. When I specify nuts I mean there were people in the pajamas, in fairy costumes, I saw superman, frog costumes, bumblebees and even people who had lights wrapped around them. It was just crazy! After they all went past I asked one of the waiters if he knew about this group of riders and unfortunately he was not knowledgeable about it at all.
So after that I went home and waited for today to start;)
(4/7/12) I woke up and was just bumming around the house until my stylist called and told me to relay some info to my mom. Afterwards she tells me that she originally wasn't going to go in, hence my appointment was about to be canceled for the day. She then shocks me with the news that she found out a few days ago that she has breast cancer. I sit on my bed and think this can't be happening. This lady has been like a second mother to me. I've known her since I was 14 and she has been doing my hair that whole time and I am now 33. I closed my eyes and thought why again. She asked me if I still wanted to come in I told her yes but I told her it depended on how she felt. I could care less about my hair after hearing that news.
She says she will meet me at her hair salon at 10am so I make sure to bring her some breakfast. While she is doing my hair we speak on different things. Her illness, relationships, and friends. I eventually leave around 1pm and went to Talayna's and grabbed some lunch. Afterwards I went home to take a nap. About 4pm I decide to go back to the nail salon because when I looked at my feet I realized that I should have gotten a pedicure when I was there yesterday. I don't know what I was thinking. lol
So I jet to the Saint Louis Galleria and do some window browsing. I come home and I am currently watching the latest installment in the Hellraiser movie series (Hellraiser: Hellworld) and I must say I was quite impressed. Oh well it's 9:40pm on a Saturday night and I'm at home and all I can think about is trying to find a business in Saint Louis that knows how to arch eyebrows and understands what I want to do with mine.. huh go figure.
Extra Note: If anyone knows what the name of that bicyclists group that rides through at night in the Delmar Loop PLEASE let me know. I'm so mad I didn't have a camera, I would have loved to snap some pics to put with this blog post;)