
September 28, 2005

Were in the MONEY And some other thangs

We’re in the MONEY!!!! And some other thangs

Just wanted to give an update, I did receive my check around 1:45pm CST and I am very happy. The mistake that was caused has been fixed so I will be enjoying Direct Deposit in the future. On another note I am going to Dave and Buster this evening to celebrate a friend/coworker birthday this evening. A friend of mine from Virginia called me last night but was unfortunately not able to return the phone call immediately so I will rectify that problem hopefully today.  I watched the movie WATERBOY with Adam Sandler yesterday and I now I remember why I love that movie so much;) I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday aka MID WEEK DAY.

On a separate note, I did email my ex-boyfriend who had apologized to me a couple of days ago, and told him that I appreciated his apology and I know that in time I will be able to forgive but I know that in my heart I won’t ever forget.
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