
March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday 2013

Today is Easter. For some of you, that means going to church services while others get together with family and friends and have nice home cooked meal or just finding the nearest Piccadilly in the area.

For us there wasn't any church involved. Just friends, family, and NCAA March madness in our household to mark the occasion with a bountiful feast. My mom and I worked the kitchen from 9am until right up when folks showed up around 3pm.

Candy Yams, Green Beans, Baked Sweet potatoes, Gravy

Homemade Strawberry Cheesecake

Pound Cake

Coconut squares on top, Pumpkin squares on bottom

Veggie Salad, Fruit Salad, Potato Salad

Dressing and Mac N Cheese


 My mom had some relatives over, some we already knew and a few that were new to us. The new relatives had moved to Missouri about a month ago. Really nice people and had SUCH an adorable little boy. A friend of mine came over and my sis had a friend over as well. We mainly relaxed downstairs watching the the Duke and Louisville game and were having a great time until the horrific accident with Kevin Ware's leg. Man talk about a serious freakout. I had the chills when I saw what happened to him. 

Afterwards I went upstairs and was helping a cousin with getting acquainted with her new Mini Ipad. Very nice I must say;) I did watch the rest of the game until about 2 minutes were left on the clock. After that we were making To-go plates for folks and then the clean up project commenced which finally was finished around 15 minutes ago.

I am SO thankful that I have tomorrow off. Yet I know there are others that are not quite so lucky. For you all, I have this nice pic;)


Until the next episode....

 All That MsJazz
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