
January 16, 2008

where did the time go?????

whoa where did the time go so fast within 2 weeks??? Well for me my main job started back on Jan. 7th and of course the 2nd gig never went anywhere. But to have 2 weeks off to myself and just do nothing but chill out and relax. Couldn't ask for more except wish I was in Florida;) Well fast forward to today since I honestly don't remember what I did while I chilled out for 2 weeks except going on a road trip for a day with some of my co-workers to Osage Beach during the weekend before I had to head back to my main job and I must say that I had a blast and it was just what I needed to close out 2 wonderful weeks of absolutely doing nothing.

Well this week school started back up for me at UMSL. I'm taking one internet course and one on campus course. I can somewhat tell the internet one MIGHT be a doozy while the on campus one has me quite interested especially since it has to do with Science. the online course is a Communication course. Oh well, only time will tell.

Had a bit of a scare this week as well. Had a hard time breathing from Sunday until yesterday. Didn't know what the deal was but apparently it's gone away for now. So I'll keep a close eye on that. My parents will be retiring after this school year. I know that they are excited about that and so am I. Yet when I thought about it I had to sit back and think damn my parents have finished a part of the journey of their life and yet I look at mine and wonder when I will ever start mine.

I have noticed changes in my behavior that I would say has probably made me more aloof to my friends and family. I'm pretty sure people have noticed changes about me and might wonder what is up. There is so much I think about all the time, even in my sleep, even I don't think I know.

oh well only time will tell
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