
January 2, 2008

what a great New Year's

Well I hope you were able to ring in the New Year with those that you care with. I was fortunate enough to have one hell of a time. One of my coworkers from job #2 decided to rent a room at the Embassy Suites in Bridgeton. I left my house after getting my suitcase packed around 10am and then went to Danielle's around 2:30pm. I chilled out there until it was time to leave around 4pm. Danielle and I went to meet up at the Embassy Suites so we could check out the room and drop our stuff off so we could run other errands before meeting back up at the hotel suite.

Let me first say that in the past we were used to getting a spot at the Homestead Suites which is actually across the street from the Embassy Suites. Upon entering the hotel we thought it would be a nice atmosphere and change since normally at the Homestead we encouter some roudy groups of people. "Please excuse the next phrase for lack of better terminology". Rednecks and Ghetto alike.

Yet unfortunately the Embassy Suites apparently even had Homestead Suites beat in that catagory. When we entered the hotel and got on the elevator, some woman who lacked class even on the basic level entered the elevator on level 2 with her kids. Her teenage kids, her teenage kids who had piercing already in their lips and yes they all were black. When Danielle and I finally get to the 6th floor, the door opens and I say to the lady, Excuse me. She looks at me and then down real quick behind her to make sure that I don't touch her. As I get off with Danielle I look at my friend and say i though we left all the ignorant folks at the hotel across the street.

Then I remembered it was the day before the new year. Maybe the welfare folks got their checks in the mail lil bit early. Who says you still can't get presents after xmas.

So after that particular encounter we make our way to the suite and our friend lets us in. We get situated in the room and realize that the room that was requested was not the room that we received. So we harp and bitch about for a short while and then Danielle and I leave to go run some errands and pick up some food to eat. We get back to the hotel around 7pm and we are kickin it with some other coworkers so in all we have about 7 or 8 people just chillin in the suite and we are having a great time watchin tv and playin the Nintendo Wii.

Our orignal plans were to bring in the new year, go visit some other people at their hotels and see them and then finish it off with a trip out to Harrah's and partake in their new year midnight breakfast/lunch/dinner fest. But unfortunately things didn't turn out that way and we ended up staying at the hotel and copping some zzzzzzz's by 4am in the morning. Only one coworker had work the next day while the rest of us just kicked it and watch tv till we each nodded off.

did I also mention it was cold as hell that night also????? I called Kai when it hit midnight in florida to wish her and the family a happy new year. Beyond that I personally was drunk off of one drink that was made for me. Talk about low tolerance....I'm pathetic. But I will say this I had one hell of night. I hope you did too.;)

Well work starts back for me on January 7th. from my main job and I'm not looking forward to it. I only hope I can stick out enough so I don't go crazy until the summer time. Of course I will be back in school for this semester just trying to figure out what classes to take. My xmas was definitely a good one. I made out like a pretty good bandit. Yet I'm not done as far as giving. I have 2 presents left to get and then I will be done. Yea I know a bit late, but better than never.
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