
April 17, 2017

Vintage Market Days Saint Louis - Chesterfield Mall - Spring 2017

So this past Saturday I went to one of my favorite events, the Vintage Market Days of St. Louis. This event happens around twice a year and even though they have moved the days around (used to be Friday, Saturday, & Sundays) I wanted to make sure to make it since this Saturday would be the last day.

This time it was held on the Chesterfield Mall parking lot instead of at the Chesterfield Amphitheater as in past years. I normally enjoyed the long walk down one way and then coming back up, but you were dealing with a slight hill so I can understand why possibly the venue was moved to make it easier for folks to walk around on an even level parking lot. Not to mention with it being so close to the mall, if anyone was getting hot from being outside (such as myself) then there was the option of going into the mall and relaxing and cooling off.

There were plenty of vendors with some being here from previous events and others being brand new. I found a nice lady who sells loose leaf teas among her other wares and another vendor who had slushie mixes that you add to your favorite alcoholic beverage and put in the freezer and within 4 to 6 hours you have happiness in a glass :)

A Perfect Cocktail

A Perfect Cocktail

A Perfect Cocktail

I've been enjoying the Vintage markets for the past few years. I highly recommend going to one. Someone else junk just might become your own treasure.

SpellBound Creations

SpellBound Creations

SpellBound Creations

Spellbound Creations

SpellBound Creations

SpellBound Creations

Vulpine Creations

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