
May 14, 2010

Goodbye Mr. Tree

This morning my dad informed me that Asshole AmernUE are coming to the house to cut down a tree I planted in the back yard back in 5th grade. When I received my little twig not even a foot high I never thought it would have grown into the huge giant that I've known since then. When I first put it back there I remember going into the basement and getting a little shovel to dig some dirt out, putting the roots in and making sure it wasn't leaning. I patted the dirt back in place and made a promise to water and take care of it since in my recent past my attempt with goldfish hadn't prove to be too fruitful. Over the years as I grew up so did my pine tree. So this morning since it was raining I wasn't able to go outside and get a close up look at it to say goodbye. So I went out onto the back porch on the 2nd level of my home and took a few pics. I'm at work now and just thinking about it makes me sad that when I go home my tree won't be there to greet me;( Yet I'm hoping the rain will stay steady so at least by the time I get home it will still be there one more day;) R.I.P. Mr. Pine Tree

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