
July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July

Well this weekend has been long overdue for me. First let me get to an update on my Spanish class........I'm not sure if I got a B or a C, which is definitely better then knowing I don't have a D or a F. I received a 79.8 % if I did my points divided by 100, but that is not the way my Profe (shortcut spanish for teacher) did his grading. I sent off an email this past Monday to ask for clarification, but I assume he is on vacation because I haven't received a response yet. So I'm not gonna push my luck with that one.

Beyond that, I was lucky enough to have yesterday, today, and tomorrow off. So yesterday i went over to my sis's new apartment and tried to help out more with her getting settled in. Afterwards I went back home and chilled out for a few hours before going to Schnucks and getting some chicken and prepping for the big day (today). I let it marinate overnight and you can't imagine my dissapointment when I woke up this morning and what greeted me was just sheets of rain that didn't let up until 12 noon.

So once it did die down I went out prepped the grill and 2 and 1/2 hours later I'm looking at some delicious pollo (chicken prepped for cooking in spanish). Most likely I'm just gonna chill out today, my parents are out of town and I'm just enjoying my leasurely day;) I hope you enjoy yours.

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