
August 24, 2008

What a way....

Well this morning I'm writing this post from my sister's apartment. She went out of town with her boyfriend to Chicago since he never had been there before. Yesterday morning, (Saturday), my mother and I went over to my sis's apartment to check in on her dog Cassie. He is the most hyper active dog I have ever met. So we go over there and we let him outside so he can do what ever it is that dogs do. We then go Sam's but I have my mom stop me with Cassie to PetSmart so I can look around.

This dog is something else his strength is no joke even if he is part bugle. He ran every where he could even with him being on a leash. I talked with a dog trainer and I told her about the issues that were going on with Cassie and she recommended some classes for him. So im going to make sure to relay that back to my sis.

So then my mom and I take Cassie back to the apartment and go home. So then I chillout for a while and I didn't have work till 2:45pm. So since I knew I was going to sleepover at my sis's apartment I made an overnight bag and took with me to work. So when I got off by 8:15pm I went over there and met up with my mom who had made up a great dinner. Which consisted of the T-Bone Steaks, garlic cheese bread, and some corn.

She left around 11pm and I was stuck the Cassie, the crazy dog for the rest of the night. So needless to say he was put back in his cage, ASAP and I promptly went to bed.

But this morning, I woke up about 7 am so I could take him outside so he could handle his business. Brought him back in to run around some and finally had to put him back in his cage because he was doing the psycho thing again (trying to take off my fingers and toes). So right now, since I finished breakfast I have been just chilling but unfortunately I do have work tonight AGAIN, from 11am to 9:30pm which is just some bullshit.

On another note, at my main job, school has already begun for the students and it was a trying week. Hopefully it will be more smoothly this week:) I also enjoy my weekly raquetball sessions with my friend Gail, but it's also nice to just take a game with strangers from time to time. I also have incorporated getting weekly massages which are just heaven. I highly recommend them:) They both are great stress relievers:) Raquetball, if you have a problem and u need to take it out on something and massages just to de-stress your body from all the tension build up:)

Last night while at work I got a text from Kai, one of my best friends who lives in Florida and it made me remember how much I miss my girls and how I need to be more in touch and in tune with what is going on around me. Yet I will say this, this has been a really interesting but trying year for me. I feel more positive with somethings going on in my life and I've learned to let others issues I can't control to just move to a back burner or just turn off the flame completely.

So with that said, I only have one more thing to add........:)

Good Morning:)
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