
May 16, 2015

Summer is almost here!

Well it's mid May and the 2014-15 school year is slowly coming to a halt. The last day for students is May 27th, and the teaching staff the 29th. I'll still be on through June because of summer school but the whole month of July will be MINE!!

On a happier note I can say I completed and passed with a B my Managerial Accounting class aka The Devil's math. Yet I would not have been successful if it was not for the help of an awesome friend who tutored me throughout the whole semester. Melissa I can't thank you enough!!! I also found out that I received enough credits to and pulled my gpa back up to transfer back to a 4 year college. I don't know I feel the progress slow as it feels but it still is somewhat scary.

This summer I am hoping to take a film photography class and in the fall I plan on taking a digital photography class. I really want to learn about photography but I also have an interest in mass media in general as well. How do people make documentaries?  Which is why I also decided do a trial run on Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. I also want to learn about Graphic Design.

There are so many things I want to do. I just recently had my blog revamped to make it more eye appealing. Lord knows it was an eye sore since I've had it. This is the first major change I've done to it since I began my blog almost ten years ago. Since I enjoy pictures I wanted to make sure my blog had more of a visual appeal yet still kept it refined. I love the new layout:)

Next changes I want is to revamp my business website, I have ideas just struggling to in regards to how to bring them into fruition. My photography is part of that vision in regards to updating my website with better pictures. Also I have two other sites I want to start working on as well. Both also connected to photography. I've been reading various books and even am apart of a photography club here in Saint Louis, I just recently became involved with.

My weight, I can't even harp enough on that. I need to get myself together. I'm at a point I'm slowly not recognizing myself anymore. I so need to find a MMA gym or maybe even a cross-fit gym. I've been asking about cross-fit gyms for a while and a coworker informed me of the one she goes to and apparently there are some around my job. Yet I'm not sure given my present lack of fitness if this would be a safe route to try.

My hair, ugh well I'll save that for my anniversary post that when I celebrate being natural 3 years, that will be coming up in about one week. The trials and tribulations......I tell ya. know what?? All the time, I wish I could hit the lottery then I could have all the time in the world so I could make my dreams come true. I guess until that happens (if it happens) I'll just keep trying to keep my eyes on the prize.
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