
February 25, 2015

Look into my eyes

Well this year so far has been so-so. I'm taking a college class (Managerial Accounting) I barely somewhat understand but have a an awesome friend who is tutoring me. I'm slowly starting to accumulate the camera equipment for my camera. I've bought a tripod, a new 40 mm lens, and custom camera strap (Paisley Maizie). I've been playing around with my new DSLR and trying to learn about it. It's quite an intimidating camera especially if you don't have a clue on how to use it but the class I took and some reading I've done along with Youtube videos have helped me stay out of the Auto focus mode for now.

I plan on revamping my business website, All That MsJazz Hair and Body Products. I also want to revamp my personal website here as well. I want to add new products to my small business and researching new ideas. I already have a few in my head I'm trying to work on. I also want to get in some more vending opportunities but want to make sure I don't put too much pressure on myself. Right now business is slow so I'm taking the time to figure out what direction I want to go with my business and how I can market better.

My right foot is still giving me issues (see previous post) and I need to get back to working out. My body just feels like a huge weight on my lower body. But my mind still seems to be the biggest weight over all. I don't want to sink back into self doubting myself. Dealing with depression is a bitch. Just trying to get things out of my head now.  On another note, I can't wait for next Friday, I'll be going on a mini vacation for 3 days. Lord knows I need it.

Until the next episode....

 All That MsJazz
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