December 29, 2011
R.I.P. Sr. Mary Denis Curran
About a week ago I read via a cousin's Facebook update that one of my High School Teachers had passed. Sr. Mary Denis, even though she was only 4 feet and MAYBE 10 or 11 inches had a stare that could see into your soul and have the hair standing up on the back of your neck. Oh and heaven forbid you didn't turn in an assignment on time, you might as well wait for the floor to open up at your feet and swallow you down. Back when I was attending Rosati Kain I can say there were times I would stare at the clock in her classroom and couldn't wait to get out. Yet through the years my love for reading I can honestly say took a boost because of her class. Because of her I could appreciate works from William Shakespeare to other authors that might not have been as well known. A few months ago I was in my family storage unit and I counted the boxes of books I have in storage, there were 6 huge boxes. I laughed to myself and thought, this is Sr. Denis's fault. lol
I remember how we used to read stories and she would make us break them down and explain them in our own words and what lessons if any could be learned from them. This skill especially came in handy a month ago as I was helping my sister with a college english course and she needed help writing some journal stories in regards to 8 different stories she had to read. Overall I ended up doing 6 of them. My sister couldn't understand how I could have done these assignment within a few hours. Not to mention, she ended up getting an A on the assignments.
I told her that I love to read, probably more than what is considered normal. Even though now I have converted to an Android tablet with the Kindle App, my love of reading has not diminished, in fact it probably has gone through the roof to be able to have at my fingertips so many books.
I wish I could have gone to the funeral yesterday but was not able to. Yet through my online searches of her name I see that an online video cast was done of the funeral. I watched part of it today and from the many people there you can tell she touched many lives. So to Sr. Denis, I say thank you, you have definitely earned your wings and I know heaven probably has a classroom up their waiting for an excellent English Teacher. You have my vote. R.I.P.

High School,
Mary Denis Curran,
Rosati Kain